Recent Questions Example Web Tree
Q: If var bselectedSmItem= anything other than 0, the dropdown menu maken links do not work and I get the following error:
A: You should set bselectedSmItem parameter in tabMode=1 only. When youhave subitems.
I'm also sending you the fixed version of dtabs.js file. Please, useit.
Q: How to open a popup after clicking on a menu item in dhtml image menu.
A: You can write your menuItems in the following way:
["Home","'');window.focus;", "", "", "Home", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],Q: I've been playing with this product and it does exactly what I need so far!.
My problem question is this:-
The menu I have created shows a several icons that activate cgi code on the web server. What I want to know is can these drop down menus change the image when an icon is actually pressed?
I trying to find how I can present the user with a button pressed in image when the icon is clicked and maintain that image until another icon in that menu is pressed?
Can this be done? If not is it something you can do for me at a cost?
A: See more info about pressed item here:
Q: We are testing you menu in our application. It is being used in cross frame mode. It works very nicely except a couple issues.
The main one is after loading a new page in the sub menus window when I go back to the main menu to select another option but on the initial mouse over it takes several seconds for the menu to come up. Once the delay of loading the initial submenu is over it loads all others very quickly until a new page is loaded again. Is there a way to optimize the menu to reduce this load time? I have already set dm_writeAll=0 but that only increased the speed of the initial display of the main menu.
And the other question is does the dmObjectsCheck option work in cross frame mode? I have it set =1 and the submenus still underneath objects (such as select list) which have a higher z order.
A: Try to do the following:
move all <script> calls into <head>, but delete dm_initFrame()function from data .js file -- move them instead of files calls, i.e.:
<script src=data.js>
<div><script>dm_initFrame("frmSet", 1, 2, 1); </script></div>
It this case data will be loaded when <head> will load, but after thatmenus must be shown quickly.
Let me know about results.
JavaScript Tree Menu overlap select objects in cross-frame mode.