Recent Questions Jquery Tree List Tutorial
Q: I'm not getting information when the move the mouse over the dhtml dynamic menu etc., however if use it on a local machine it shows the necessary information in the status bar of my ie7 . . . any ideas ?
A: You should set the following browser setting:
"Tools/Internet Options/Security/"
click "Custom level..." button and enable "Allow status bar updates viascript" in "Scripting" column (almost at the end of the list).
This is IE7 feature. In the other browsers you won't have suchproblem.
You can find more info here:
Q: I am interested in buying your XP Style Blue XP Style JavaScript Menu Tree.
Please let me know how can I use in offline projects (CD Based) and whether I can change the vertical type java pulldown menu into horizontal type.
Also let me know the price for the same
Looking forward for your fast reply
A: Javascript/DHTML Tree is vertical menu, You cannot create horizontal tree menu.
If you want to create horizontal menu you can use JavaScript Tree Menu,
To use JavaScript Tree Menus on CD/DVD you should buy developerlicense.
JavaScript Tree Menu & Tree & Tabs & Popup Window & Calendar DeveloperLicense - $299.95.
Other licenses allow you to use the java pulldown menu on Internet/Intranetwebsites only.
Q: I have made use of the Ajax function in JavaScript Tree Menu. It has made maintenance of a rather complex menu system a lot easier.
I went to generate a Site Map in dhtml menu builder today and realized a shortcoming of using Ajax submenus, the Site Map doesn't show Ajax submenus.
It would be great to have an option in the Generate Site Map (as well as Google XML and Google Search) to include Ajax submenus for a complete picture of the web site.
A: Unfortunately there are such problems with saving of AJAX submenus.
It is not possible to save AJAX submenus in Deluxe Tuner now and it is not possible tocreate search engine friendly code and sitemap for the AJAX submenus.
We'll try to add such features in the future versions of Deluxe Tuner.Q: My question is regarding the single user license. I am currently writing a website for use on my companies intranet. The machine I am writing it on will unlikely be the machine that it eventually lives on, which could also quite possibly change as well. Looking at the instructions for the license, it seems I require a domain name for the key. The problem is that the current machine I am using is not in DNS, & even if it were, the machine that it will eventually live on will not resolve to the same name (if it even will have a DNS entry in our internal DNS server). So, does the license look for the name that is specified from the client browser, or does it look internally on the web server itself? I am wondering if I set the web servers hosts file or httpd.conf to reference the name given in the license key taht will allow me to transfer the menu to another server?
A: You can register the menu for a domain name or for IP address.
In other words, you should register the menu for the domain name thatyou print in a browser's search string, for example: