Recent Questions Mos Tree Javascript Menu Free Download
Q: Hi there ... a while ago I had asked you what I need to change to prevent exit pops from being activated, but I don't think it's working.
For example, a regular link that I want:
How do I do it with dhtml vertical menu?
Before, in the "text" box in the "Item Parameters" window, you had me do the following:
<span onClick='exit=false;'>click here</span>
But that doesn't seem to work. Any other suggestions? Thanks very much.
A: I suppose that you should move menuItems from the data file to yourhtml page directly (where you define exit variable).
menuItenms = [
Q: I see that you have the demo of the menu working over a frame so that it displays over the lower frame, vertical top to bottom.
However I have played around with your demo and can't seem to replicate the same feature.
Could you please tell me what I have to set to make the easy dropdown menu float over the lower framed window?
A: To initialize the cross frame menu call dm_initFrame() function instead of standard dm_init() function within data.js file:
dm_initFrame(framesetID, mainFrameInd, subFrameInd, orientation);
framesetID - id attribute of the frameset;
mainFrameInd - index of the main frame (where the top-menu is placed), >=0;
subFrameInd - index of the subframe (where the submenus will be shown), >=0;
orientation - frame orientaion: 0 - top-to-bottom, 1 - left-to-right; 2 - bottom-to-top; 3 - right-to-left.
For example, for the following structure:
<frameset id="frmSet" rows="185,*">
<frame id="frame1" src="cross-frame-horizontal-1.htm">
<frame id="frame2" name="testlink.htm" scrolling="no">
the dm_initFrame() function call at the end of data.js file will look like:
dm_initFrame("frmSet", 0, 1, 0);
Q: Now I experiences a problem with the Danish letters in the dhtml drop down menu generator! I have changed the letters in the scriptfile - but this does not work.
Have we a problem with Danish letters?
A: Notice that you should have UTF8 charset on your page too:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="UTF-8">
You can also use another charset on your html page and open your data file in text editor, enter thissymbols and save data file in the way you save your html page.
Notice that you should turn off "Tools/Use utf8 encode" setting inorder to open your data file correctly in Deluxe Tuner.
Q: One more query, can we remove the following line from all the pages,
<noscript><a href=>Javascript Menu</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "/";</script>
As the script <noscript> tags are used in body section of webpage and when we use this in Head tag, it is creating a problem for us. Will removing this line would cause some problem in working of menu, as now a days every browser in the world supports JavaScripts.
A: You cannot delete the following line:
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "/";</script>
Your menu won't work without this line.
You can try to move the following code in the <body> tag. Try that.
<!-- JavaScript Tree Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "menudir/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/dmenu.js"></script>
<!-- (c) 2006, -->