Recent Questions Jquery Filetree Browser Client Side Xp
Q: I have some problems with Javascript/DHTML Tree.
I have set the var tlevelDX to 5 to decrease the indent for each level of items, but would like to decrease the indent even more. Ican't find the parameter that will set the indent in pixels of thefirst level item.
Also, is there a setting that will put text for a menu item on a second line?
I hope that you can help.
A: You can make the smallest indent this way:
var tlevelDX = 0;
You are not able to have more little indent. This place is reservedfor + buttons.
Try to set this parameter:
var tnoWrap=0;
You can also use <br> tags in the item text, for example:
var tmenuItems = [
["line 1<br>line 2"],
Q: How can I from javascript code change a displayed tab selection to another one in the dynamic menu tabs... lets say from first tab to the third tab?
A: This Tabs menu can save pressed item automatically within1 page only.
If you open another page, the menu can't remember presseditem.
You should do that manually using Javascript and menu parameters
( var bselectedItem and var var bselectedSmItem) or using any server-side script (php, asp, etc.)
Deluxe Tabs doesn't support API functions which can return theselected tab.
If your site is written on PHP you can set "bselectedItem" and "varbselectedSmItem" parameters
based on your link beforeyou call your data file.
For example, move "bselectedItem" and " var bselectedSmItem" parametersfrom your data file to your code.
<TD vAlign=top align=left>
/* Select Tab */
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
var bselectedItem=<?php echo $seltabs; ?>;
var bselectedSmItem=<?php echo $selsmtabs; ?>;
<SCRIPT src="data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
You should define seltabs and selsmtabs using server side script.
You can also set it on every page before you call data.js file, forexample:
<TD vAlign=top align=left>
/* Select Tab */
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
var bselectedItem=4;
var bselectedSmItem=3;
<SCRIPT src="data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
Try that.
Q: How do I make the background in my rollover drop down menu transparent?
A: You should set the following paramter in your data.js file:
var tmenuBackColor="transeparent";
Q: I still do not understand your answer about the simple java menu arrows, which work in preview, but not on the website. The html is correct.
A: You have
var arrowImageMain=["ss.files/arrow_sub5.gif","ss.files/arrow_sub5.gif"];
in your data js, so the arrows must be here
you arrows is here
You can use
var pathPrefix_img="menu/";
or change paths here
var arrowImageMain=["ss.files/arrow_sub5.gif","ss.files/arrow_sub5.gif"]; --> menu/ss.files/arrow_sub5.gif