The template emulates Vista OS menu style. To open submenus click on menu items. The appearence of this template is determined by the following parameters:
- The menu have XP Style; Animation effect for subitems - Toggle-mode support. - Items have icons - Menu has a static position and is placed within the table cell
Key features:
- 3-state icons for each item - Status string shows item labels - Personal CSS styles for separate menu elements - Several menus on one page - Inactive/Disabled items - Image arrows - different speed for an animation for submenus - Submenus automatically scrolls
These effects will make your menu more attractive and stylish. Among available transitional effects there are such as fade, mosaic, random dissolve, slide out and many others.
Create individual styles and assign them to any submenu and item. Use individual styles to achieve stunning effects!
Q: Dreamweaver navigation bar disappearing behind flash file in Firefox..
A:You should add "opaque" parameter for
Q: > You should call the following function: > dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex (0, 12) > where 12 - is index of the item.
How would I know that 12 is the index of the item? How is itemInd different from its itemID? I assume the menuInd is always 0 for the first menu (or only in my case) menu on a page?
A: Yes, menuInd is the number of the menu on your page (in your casemenuInd=0).
itemInd is the number of the item in your menuItems, for example:
Q: I'm having difficulty understanding how to set up css drop down menus. The differences between menuStyles, itemStyles, CSS and CSSText is very unclear, and doesn't seem to be well documented.
Do you have any better documentation or writeup on using this feature?
A: No, unfortunately we don't have additional documentation. You can findall info on our site.
We have several examples of the menus using css.
You should set var cssStyle=1; parameter and then assign your stylesto the items.
var cssSubmenu is a CSS class name for all submenus. You can set, forexample, background color, background image, borders for all submenus.
var cssItem is CSS class names for all items (normal state, mouseoverstate) in the top menu and submenus.
var cssItemText is CSS class names for text of all items (normalstate, mouseover state) in the top menu and submenus.
It's possible to appoint individual CSS styles for separate elements of the menu using individual item styles and individual submenu styles.
Q: The popup menu gives the (first) menu of the top menu. I need of course for this to be the menu of the popup.
A: Installation of your menu is not correct.
Now you have: 1) There is no need to call dmenu_popup.js file. You should delete thefollowing line: <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="dmenu_popup.js"></script>
2) Where you call source_pop.js file for Popup menu? You should add: <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2 src="menu_files/source_pop.js"type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
3) The ID of your Popup menu is 1. Now you have ID - 0. <img src="testimage.gif" width="200" height="200" onClick="return dm_popup(0, 9000, event);" style="cursor:hand;">
you should write: <img src="testimage.gif" width="200" height="200" onClick="returndm_popup(1, 9000, event);" style="cursor:hand;">
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jQuery Simple Tree-node plugin This is an simplier plugin which is even simplier than the jQuery Simple Tree-Set plugin. 2. The following is an example of how the outcome look like: Drive C:
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jquery.dynatree.js documentation dynatree is a JavaScript treeview plugin for jQuery with support for checkboxes and lazy loading of branches.