Jquery Accordion Treeview With Recursive Demo by Deluxe-Tree.com
Jquery Accordion Treeview With Recursive Demo

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Menu Screenshots Jquery Accordion Treeview With Recursive Demo

Jquery Accordion Treeview With Recursive Demo Tree Fast Horizontal Scrolling

Features Jquery Accordion Treeview With Recursive Demo

  • Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Menu can be populated from a database using ASP, PHP, etc.
  • Search engine friendly
  • Support for any doctypes
  • Fits for secure sites
Unrivalled Features
  • Scrollable, dragable, floating
  • Unique Java Script API for altering menu "on-the-fly", without page reloading
  • AJAX technology - loads menu data from the server "on-fly and on-demand".
Tutorial Trees Menu Jquery Accordion Treeview With Recursive Demo
Seamless Integration
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
High Performance
  • AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly".
  • Commonly loads quicker than other html page elements
  • Runs well with an unlimited number of submenus and items
Cost Effective
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Javascript Tree Menu. Expandable Menu.

  • You can animation and effects for the javascript tree menu. These effects will make your menu more attractive and stylish. When you click on titles of submenus - submenus will collapse or expand. Submenus have a fade effect in Internet Explorer when you collapse/expand them, so your menus look like original menus in Windows XP Explorer. You can set different speed for an animation.

Recent Questions Jquery Accordion Treeview With Recursive Demo

Q: I have made use of the Ajax function in JavaScript Tree Menu. It has made maintenance of a rather complex menu system a lot easier.

I went to generate a Site Map in dhtml menu builder today and realized a shortcoming of using Ajax submenus, the Site Map doesn't show Ajax submenus.

It would be great to have an option in the Generate Site Map (as well as Google XML and Google Search) to include Ajax submenus for a complete picture of the web site.

A: Unfortunately there are such problems with saving of AJAX submenus.
It is not possible to save AJAX submenus in Deluxe Tuner now and it is not possible tocreate search engine friendly code and sitemap for the AJAX submenus.

We'll try to add such features in the future versions of Deluxe Tuner.

Q: Thank you for your reply. I have run the example sent by you. Your dhtml menu example has horizontal menus and it hides all the menus.

But I am using xp vertical menu. In that I have Home,Sales,Customer Support,Reports,Access Control menus.

For Admin login I need all the menus including submenus.

But for employee login i need Home , Sales, Customer Support menus and i need only few sub menus only.

Please help me with this issue.

A: You can try to use API functions in that case:

function dm_ext_changeItemVisibility (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, visibility)

More info:


Q: I need a menu system that can do one Vertical menu example in java and a completely separate Horizontal menu on the same page, no frames. Will this menu software do this?

A: Yes, you can create two menus (vertical and horizontal) and installthem on the same page. See the attached example.

Q: I want to use my own function within menuItems in the drop down menu button.

A: You can use Javascript instead standard links. For example:

  var menuItems = [
["text", "javascript:launchWin('popups/popup_member_browser.cfm','css_MemberBrowser',600,720,0,0,0)"]