Recent Questions Input Non Modifiable Avec Tafeltree
Q: What I try to make is a menu dhtml with items having a border of only 1 px, also between the menu items. However it seems that Deluxe menu draws a 1 px line around every menu item giving an effective border line of 2 px between the area where the items touch each other. I want to have 1 px border also on the areas where the items touch each other.
Any suggestion how to fix this?
A: If you want to have the 1px border between the items only you canuse separators.
Please, see the following parameters:
//--- Separators
var separatorImage=""; //for subitems
var separatorWidth="5";
var separatorHeight="100%";
var separatorAlignment="right";
var separatorVImage="images/public/separator.gif"; //for the top items
var separatorVWidth="1";
var separatorVHeight="100%";
var separatorPadding="";
You should set a separator in the menuItems, for example:
var menuItems = [
["Home","index.cfm", , , , , , , , ],
["About Us","about.cfm", , , , , , , , ],
Q: How I can control the displayed items by writing my own security control logics?
Can the developer version allows me to edit all the generated java scripts for menu?
A: You can use API functions and control the displayed items.
Find more info here:
> Can the developer version allows me to edit all> the generated java scripts for menu?
Script in Single, Multiple and Developer licenses is obfuscated, youcannot modify it.
If you want to modify the java scripts for menu you should buy JavaScript Tree Menu & Javascript/DHTML Tree & Deluxe TabsDeveloper License with Javascript Source Code.
Q: A few of my users have reported issues with the menu like the one below. Where the drop down menu is just a white box with a little scroll bar in it. Can you please let me know how I might correct it or what is wrong? We are using version 2.4.
A: I've just checked your website. It works fine.
You can have such effect when the page entirely was not loaded yet. So, images were not loaded yet.
If you don't want to have such effect you can try not to use back images for the submenus.
Q: I'm interested in to buy the product of yours: deluxe-menu. But I've got a dude.
I've been working with the trial version, but I haven't been able to put HTML code within the javascript pop menu Item, in order to do actions like opening a new URL, or opening a file or page with .htm extension.
A: Actually you are able to paste any html code within items.
For example:
var menuItems = [
["||<nobr><FORM method=GET action=''><input name='as_q' value='search
the web' size=15 style='font-size:10'> <INPUT type=hidden name=cof
value='LW:144;L:;LH:45;AH:center;GL:0;S:;AWFID:e01cb67b8afe383e;'> </form></nobr>","", "images/icons/search.gif", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", "",],
["<a href='testlink.html'> test </a>","","",]