Recent Questions Hidden Drop Down Menu Trees
Q: I love this one: Do you have vertical orientation of this java menu example, please?
A: To create vertical drop down menu you should set the followingparameter:
var isHorizontal=0;
Please, try the trial version. Use Deluxe Tuner to create your menu.You can find this template in the Templates window.
Q: I need to be able to highlight the selected menu en dhtml item of the JavaScript Tree Menu.
A: JavaScript Tree Menu has only two states normal and mouseover.
Try to do the following things:
- delete var pressedItem=1; parameter from your menu en dhtml data file
- set correct parameter on each page before you call data file, forexample:
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "menudir/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> var pressedItem=3;</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/data.js"></script>
You can also set a pressed item using Javascript API:
function dm_ext_setPressedItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, recursion)
Sets a current pressed item.
menuInd - index of a menu on a page, >= 0.
submenuInd - index of a submenu, >= 0.
itemInd - index of an item, >=0.
recursion = true/false - highlight parent items.
But notice, to use dm_ext_setPressedItem() you should know ID of selected item and subitem.
You can't get this ID after you reload your page. That is why you should write your own code on PHP.
Q: Can the JavaScript Tree Menus be set to open by click and stay open when clicked for some time?
A: You can open JavaScript Tree Menu on click. Set this parameter:
var showByClick = 0;          Show submenus on a mouse click only.
0 - disabled (default),   1 - enabled.
You can use such parameter in you menu:
var transDuration = 300;         - Delay of a transitional effect (in ms) on submenu's showing.
Q: Currently let us know how can we align the text at the top dropdown menu script so that the text will appear above the horizontal line.
Kindly help us to solve this problem as soon as possible.
A: Unfortunately you cannot set vertical align for items text.But you can try to write your item text in the following way:
var menuItems = [
["Home<br> ","/index.asp?pgid=1", , , , , "0", , , ],
["About Us<br> ","/index.asp?pgid=2", , , , , "0", , , ],
["Company News<br> ","/index.asp?pgid=3", , , , , "0", , , ],
["Services<br> ","/index.asp?pgid=4", , , , , "0", , , ],
["|Custom Publishing","/index.asp?pgid=6", , , , , , , ,],
["|On Product Publishing","/index.asp?pgid=7", , , , , , , , ],
["|Investment","/index.asp?pgid=10", , , , , , , , ],
["Contact Us<br> ","/index.asp?pgid=5", , , , , "0", ,, ],