Recent Questions Web Menus Floating Tree
Q: There seems to be a "glitch" when I use Firefox.
I have rebuilt the page twice but I always end up with themenu floating to the left, instead of under the main menu (the second or third mouseover will correct the issue). Also, sometimes I have to mouseover twice before the submenu comes up (in I.E.).
I have validated...however I wondered if there could be a conflict in the javascripting (yours and mine). Any suggestions?
A: The reason is in your <!DOCTYPE>.
Try to specify units in "px".
var menuWidth="780px";
var menuHeight="27px";
var smWidth="200px";
var smHeight="200px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.
You can also try to set the following parameter:
var dm_writeAll=1;
Q: I've spent the last 30 minutes or so looking for samples on how to create a simple pop up window. I downloaded the trial, put in the html, saved the js file, etc etc. But there is no sample so I can't see exactly how to do the html.
Like, in the tuner it says to enter the ID of the link. What is this? where do I put the onClick code? where can I find the onClick code? There is a lot of info missing here.
Please send a simple template so I can see how a popup is done. Not a menu, just a popup.
A: > But there is no sample so I can't see exactly how to do the html.
You should create the pop up window in Deluxe Tuner and export it in the HTML page "File/Export/To HTML".
See more info about installation here:
> where can I find the onClick code?
See you can show the popup window when you hover, click or mouseout on some elements on yourpage. For example you've added an image in your html page. You should specify the ID for it, for example:
<p><img id="open_popup" border="0" src="images/submenu-bg.gif" width="170" height="29"></p>
So, in the Deluxe Tuner you should enter 'open_popup' object ID in the onMouseOver,onClick or onMouseOut fields.
Actually you can assign id to any object on your page manually. You should specify ID's - id="xxxx"for <a>, <div>, <img> ... tags.
If you want to show the popup when your page loads you should leave these fields empty:
onClick:"",Q: How do I change the background color for the floating drop down menu
A: To change menu colors you should change the following parameters:
var menuBackColor="#F2F3F2";
var itemBackColor=["#F2F3F2","#535353"];
You can also use Individual Item Styles to change the color of the specific items:
var menuStyles = [
var itemStyles = [
Q: Using data-visa-5.js
Trying to get the menu to start collapsed rather than fully expanded.
Thought it was the var texpanded=0 setting but doesn't seem to have any effect.
A: See, when you set + sign before item's text that is mean that thisitem will be expanded.
Now you have:
["+ Home","index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
["+ Current Weather","","","","Current Weather","","","1",""],
["|Hourly Forecast","index.php?forecast=avnmos&zipcode=55744&oc=mosview_option|forecast","","","Hourly Forecast",,,],
["|Special Weather Alerts","index.php?config=&forecast=special&zipcode=55744","","","Special Weather Alerts",,,],
["|Live Weather","javascript:open('../../wxflash/index.htm','_blank')","","","Live Weather",,,],
["+ WeatherForum","/forum/index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
["+ Weather Cams","","","","Weather Cams","","","1",""],
["|RapidsCam East","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/eastcam.asp',335,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,'cameast');","","","RapidsCam East",,,],
["|RapidsCam West","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/westcam.asp',367,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,'camwest');","","","RapidsCam West",,,],
["+ Weather Maps","","","","Weather Maps","","","1",""],
Delete + signs from your items:
[" Home","index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
[" Current Weather","","","","Current Weather","","","1",""],
["|Hourly Forecast","index.php?forecast=avnmos&zipcode=55744&oc=mosview_option|forecast","","","Hourly Forecast",,,],
["|Special Weather Alerts","index.php?config=&forecast=special&zipcode=55744","","","Special Weather Alerts",,,],
["|Live Weather","javascript:open('../../wxflash/index.htm','_blank')","","","Live Weather",,,],
[" WeatherForum","/forum/index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
[" Weather Cams","","","","Weather Cams","","","1",""],
["|RapidsCam East","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/eastcam.asp',335,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,'cameast');","","","RapidsCam East",,,],
["|RapidsCam West","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/westcam.asp',367,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,'camwest');","","","RapidsCam West",,,],
[" Weather Maps","","","","Weather Maps","","","1",""],