Recent Questions Top 10 Treeview Javascript
Q: We have two frames in a frameset, one for the menu and one for the content where the javascript menu frame expands normally without any problem. Our content frame's source is determined dynamically. The problem occurs when the content frame contains a page with another frameset in it. Unfortunately we can not avoid this for now. And when this happens our menu stops expanding.
A: Unfortunately it is really possible that you'll have problems in thatcase because the index of the content frame will be changed.
For example now you have:
<frameset id="frmSet">
<frame> //menu index=0
<frame> //content index=1
Your init function will be:
dm_initFrame("frmSet", 0, 1, 0);
But if you'll have frameset instead of content frame:
<frameset id="frmSet">
<frame> //menu index=0
<frame> // index=1
<frame> //content index=2
You should write your init function in the following way:
dm_initFrame("frmSet", 0, 2, 0);
You should change your javascript menu frame init function in that case.
Q: But where on javascript drop down menu creator I can set the dmsearch=2 ? I can't find it, there isn't an option or submenu for the search box on the left side of deluxe tuner.
A: Use last version of javascript drop down menu creator v3.2.
You can find
var dmSearch=2;
parameter in the "Advanced" section of parameter's list.
Then you should select an item (where you want to add search box), forexample first item and add
search:value='search...' style='border:1px;width:60px;height:14;font-size:10px;'
code into the "Link" field directly ("Item Parameters" window).
Q: Im working on a menu with your program, and am unable to make the javascript sticky menu save the hover states after you move off the navigation item and onto its child nav items.
For example
Example Nav item 1
-Example Sub Nav item 1
-Example Sub Nav item 2
-Example Sub Nav item 3
When I hover on the Example Nav Item 1, the hover state works, but when I move my mouse down (Im using a horizontal javascript sticky menu) to select Example Sub Nav item 1, I want the hover state to stay selected on the "parent" Nav Item. Is this possible? What is the variable you have to change to accomplish this?
A: Yes, it's possible, please use
var saveNavigationPath = 1; The javascript sticky menu keeps items highlighted during menu navigation.
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled (default).
Q: I'm just trying to get those little vertical spacers between menu items in the drop down menu.How can I do it with JavaScript Tree Menu.
A: Please, see the following parameters of the menu:
//------- Separators -------
var separatorWidth = "10";
var separatorHeight = "20";
var separatorAlignment = "center";
var separatorImage = "C";
var separatorVWidth = "20";
var separatorVHeight = "10%";
var separatorVImage = "image.jpg";
You can create separators between items in the drop down menu using menuItems, for example:
var menuItems = [
["item 1"],
["-"], // this item is separator
["item 2"], ["|item 3"],
["|-"], // this subitem is separator
["|item 4"],