The template emulates Vista OS menu style. To open submenus click on menu items. The appearence of this template is determined by the following parameters:
- The menu have XP Style; Animation effect for subitems - Toggle-mode support. - Items have icons - Menu has a static position and is placed within the table cell
Key features:
- Submenus have a fade effect - Vertical orientation of the Tree Menu - Items with icons - Several menus on one page - different speed for an animation for submenus - Filters and Transitional effects - Submenus expand/collapse on mouseover - Relative/Absolute menu position
These effects will make your menu more attractive and stylish. Among available transitional effects there are such as fade, mosaic, random dissolve, slide out and many others.
Create individual styles and assign them to any submenu and item. Use individual styles to achieve stunning effects!
Q: Hi there. I need to be able to customize the x & y coordinates of each submenu in the javascript horizontal menu. I don't see such a control in the GUI interface. How can I do this?
A: Unfortunately it is not possible to set these parameters for eachsubmenu individually. You can set them for all submenus.
Use the following parameters ('Positioning' section): var topDX=0; var topDY=1; var DX=-5; var DY=0;
Q: Is there a way to add an email address or pdf document as a as a menu en javascript item item?
A: You can open any files using JavaScript Tree Menu including PDF files.
Yes, you can insert any html code within menuItems, for example:
["|You can place <b>any HTML code</b><br> to item, for example <u>image</u>:<br><img src=img/logo.gif>","testlink.html"], ["|Index <select style='width:120px;height:17px;font:normal 10px Tahoma,Arial;'><option>Section 1<option>Section 2<option>Section 3</select>", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], ["|Search <input type=text style='width:80px;height:17px;font:normal 10px Tahoma,Arial;'> <input type=button value='Go' style='width:30px;height:17px;font:normal 10px Tahoma,Arial;'>", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0"], ["|Write Us", "mailto:[email protected]", ""],
Q: When I create a tree menu that can be expanded with the double arrows. I was wonder if there was a way to have the dhtml slide tree menu already expanded with I open the page the menu is on instead of having to expanded every time.
A: To expand items by default in Javascript/DHTML Tree you should add '+' symbolbefore item text.
The following parameter expands all menu items by default:
var texpanded=1;
Q: How can I upgrade to JavaScript Tree Menu v2.0? Now I'm using v1.14.
A: How to upgrade to v2.00 --------------------------------------------------------------- You can download the licensed engine .js files from the same link in your license message. JavaScript Tree Menu v2.00 has new parameters and features. To upgrade to v2.00 you should do the following.
Step 1.     1.1 For Windows users       a. Run Deluxe Tuner v2.0       (can be found in the trial menu package v2.0       b. Open menu data file (.js file where menu parameters are placed): select File/Open…       c. Save the file: select File/Save, then click "No" button when the dialog box appears.
    1.2 For other OS users       a. Open menu data file (.js file where menu parameters are placed) in a text editor.       b. Make sure that the following variables exist in the data file:
      var keystrokes = 0;       var dm_focus = 1;       var dm_actKey = 113;
      var dynamic = 0;       var smHideOnClick = 1;       var itemAlignTop = 'left';       var smSmartScroll = 1;
      var dmAJAX = 0;       var dmAJAXCount = 30;       var dmRTL = 0;       var dmObjectsCheck = 0;       var menuBackRepeat = "repeat";       var menuHeight = "";       var transDuration2 = 200;
If one of the variables doesn't exist - add it at the beginning of the file.
      c. Save the file.
Step 2. Now open HTML-page that contains JavaScript Tree Menu.
Step 3. Replace existent tags of the menu by the following code:
Step 4. Save HTML-page.
Step 5. New engine v2.00 has 7 .js files. They are:       - dmenu.js       - dmenu4.js       - dmenu_add.js       - dmenu_dyn.js       - dmenu_key.js       - dmenu_cf.js (new v2.00)       - dmenu_popup.js (new v2.00)
Replace all old .js files by the files from v2.00.
jQueryTree Tables Take a plain html table, wrap the rows you want collapsing/expanding in a tbody with an id of treetable, map each row to the parent row, set some options, and let
jQuery treeTable Plugin Documentation See the Usage chapter for more information on how to describe a tree. use the treeTable plugin to display a tree in a table, with collapsable branches.
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