Recent Questions Java Tree Horizontal
Q: We are in the stage of design, we have a requirement to have the items
fly out from right to left in the dhtml menue.
A: The following parameter controls the ways of showing submenus:
From left to right:
var subMenuAlign="left";
var subMenuVAlign="top";
From left to right + upwards:
var subMenuAlign="left";
var subMenuVAlign="bottom";
From right to left:
var subMenuAlign="right";
var subMenuVAlign="top";
From right to left + upwards:
var subMenuAlign="right";
var subMenuVAlign="bottom";
You can find this info here: I get coches word in black when the menu loads the first time and I didn't configured that to happend.
A: Check the following parameters:
var bselectedItem=1;
var bfontColor=["#000000","",""];
Q: How can I open the links that I created for the items /sub-items on the same window
for the mouseover menu (not on a new window)?
A: You can set target parameter for all items:
var itemTarget="_self";
or for each item individually:
["","testlink.htm","", "", "Home Tip","_self", "0", "0", , ],
Q: I have a popup that in one of the submenus has an input field.
There is a problem – if the user clicks into the entry field,
but moves the mouse outside the php dhtml menu,
the menu can close while the user is still typing.
Is there any way to prevent that from happening?
A: You can make submenus to stay visible till you click outside the menu or scroll your page.
To enable this feature you should set the following parameter:
var smHidePause=-1;