Recent Questions Javascript Tree Diagram Script
Q: I now have a menu that I like. Works great, but not with the Explorer browser. Works perfectly with Firefox and Opera. Doesn't work with Explorer. I tried using Explorer installed on several computers at different installations - at home, work and at a friends house. So it doesn't appear to be anything specific to my version. I don't have high security enabled.
Can you identify my problem? I've spent hours trying to fix this.
A: Please, see your menu parameters. Now you have:
var itemBackColor = ["#0","#ffffff"];
It is not right.
You should write for example so:
var itemBackColor = ["#0000FF","#ffffff"];
Q: It is mostly working now except where I have two rows of nav tabs.. The top row opens new pages and the bottom row is just regular div tabs... works fine in IE and Firefox but not Chrome... any ideas?
A: Try to open links in the following way:
var bmenuItems = [
["Overview","link:Sun_Cabo_Services.asp", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Villa Services","link:Cabo_Villa_Services.asp", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Chef/Cook Services","link:Cabo_Chef_Services.asp", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Spa Services","link:Cabo_Spa_Services.asp", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
Q: I'm trying to position my menus inside absolutely positioned <DIV> tags. If the <DIV> tag has style="position:absolute; top:100px; left:50px;" in the actual tag, deluxe-menu seems to work correctly. If I have the "position:absolute; top:100px; left:50px;" in a <STYLE> tag or a linked stylesheet and applied using id or class selectors, then deluxe-menu does not work correctly: sub menus have a 100pixel offset in the y direction and a 50 pixel offset in the x direction. This is with no change to the .js data file (I have absolutePos=0;) Is this a known issue, and is it planned to be fixed?
A: See, the problem is that the script can't get css properties of the object if they are described in separate .css block (or file).
In other words, you can't get the value of "position" attribute of the object if the object doesn't have this property within inline style(style="position:absolute"). To get the value you should move .css style into style="" attribute.
Please, try to add your
css file -> inline css, for example:
For example, you should add style="position:absolute;"
to the
<DIV id=head>
So, you'll have:
<DIV id=head style="position:absolute;">
Now we have only such solution for this problem.
We'll try to fix this problem in the future versions.
Q: I would like to create my own jpeg images and use them as the mouseover-items in the top level drop down menus. I am not talking about the backround. I mean the actual upfront button.
I seem to be locked into the size which is the default and would like to change it to width = 180px and height = 45px for each item in the menu.
Is there any way to do that?
A: You should create Individual Style and assign it for all top items.
var itemStyles = [
var menuItems = [
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Product Info","", "deluxe-menu.files/icon1.gif", "deluxe-menu.files/icon1o.gif", "", "", "0", "", "", ],