Recent Questions Dtreet Ext Getitemidbyindex
Q: I am new for this recently i downloaded this deluxe-menu trial version.
Can u please explain javascript expand menu (mene, table look like vista) creation and implement in html files,, php briefly.
A: 1. Create your menu in Deluxe Tuner.
When you open Deluxe Tuner you can click "File/New"
and add items and subitems using buttons "Add Item" and "Add Subitem" onthe main window.
You should set items and subitems parameters on the "Item Parameters"window.
See also other parameters for the menu on the main window.
More info about menu parameters you can find on our site can also use Individual Styles for items and subitems
2. You should install the menu on your page.
You can click, for example, File/Export to HTML.
So, you'll have folder with all engine files and images("deluxe-menu.files/" folder by default), deluxe-menu.html file anddata-deluxe-menu.js file with all menu parameters.
Open deluxe-menu.html file in any text editor and copy several rows ofcode into your page (for example index.html page of your website).
Copy and paste several rows into your html page (index.html).
<!-- JavaScript Tree Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a><</noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var WorkPath="deluxe-menu.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-menu.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<tr><td><<script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-menu.files/data-deluxe-menu.js"></script></td></tr> //data-deluxe-menu.js - data file createdin Deluxe Tuner.
You should also copy "deluxe-menu.files/" folder with all engine files
and data-deluxe-menu.js file into the same folder with your index.html page.
Try that.
You can see more info about installing here:
JavaScript Tree Menu
Javascript/DHTML Tree
Deluxe Popup Window
Deluxe Tabs
Unfortunately we don't have examples with ASP and SQL.
The example of the menu working with PHP/MYSQL you can find here: I'm looking at evaluating your Deluxe menu software for inclusion in our current web based software solution and am particularly taken with the 'Ajax style' loading.
Could you please answer a couple of questions with respect to that.
At what point does it load those file ¦ initially when menu is drawn (so multiple small hits to app server) or when the user selects the menu? Does the link href *have* to be a .js file ¦ or can it be any valid file type that returns the correct data? I have to generate the menu options dynamically from a DB and therefore really need to include a JSP style file.
Our current menu system (made up of 4 levels deep contains over 300 links, which is why I want to minimise server hit as much as possible!
A: It loads when the user move his mouse above the menu items.
You can use any extension for these files. But the file structureshould be the same as in our example.
Q: Hi I recently purchased your product Deluxe Tuner and I am having trouble with my frame pages.
There is a portion of my site that is set to produce frames and Iwas wondering if there is more information about setting links in a tree view structure to selected frame pages?
A: You can specify target parameter for each item individually.
For example you can specify the name of the frame in the menuItems where you would liketo open your link:
["|Home","testlink.htm", "default.files/icon1_s.gif", "default.files/icon1_so.gif", "", "Home Page Tip", "frame", "", "", "", ],
>Kehren Sie zu Neuen Fragen zurückQ: I am trying to create a multicolumn dhtml navigation menu and nothing appears when I upload it to my server. I am attaching my menu called menu.js that I have created and placed in a folder called menudir.
Can you please advise, thank you.
A: You can find more info here:
JavaScript Tree Menu has only two states normal and mouseover.
Try to do the following things:
- delete var pressedItem=1; parameter from your data file
- set correct parameter on each page before you call data file, forexample:
<noscript><a href="">dhtml navigation menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "menudir/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> var pressedItem=3;</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/data.js"></script>
You can also set a pressed item using Javascript API:
function dm_ext_setPressedItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, recursion)
Sets a current pressed item.
menuInd - index of a menu on a page, >= 0.
submenuInd - index of a submenu, >= 0.
itemInd - index of an item, >=0.
recursion = true/false - highlight parent items.
But notice, to use dm_ext_setPressedItem() you should know ID of selected item and subitem. You can't get this ID after you reload your page. That is why you should write your own code on PHP.