Recent Questions Dtree Menu Blank
Q: I want to set links in a text, which opens html pop up window and not to open the Window on start.
A: You can specify the ID of the element you want to click on.
Actions sections in Deluxe Tuner, onClick parameter.
1) You can show the popup window when you hover, click or mouseout on some elements on yourpage.
For example you have:
<p><img border="0" src="images/submenu-bg.gif" width="170" height="29" id="open_popup"></p>
So, in Deluxe Tuner you should enter 'open_popup' object ID in the onMouseOver,onClick or onMouseOut fields.
Actually you can assign id to any object on your page:
add id="open_popup" for <a>, <div>, <img> ... tags.
2) You can also use function to open the popups.
More info about function you can find:
function"winID", "content", "header", "param", "skin", "contentType")
Use another winID (first parameter) than you have in your data file
if you don't want to close 1-st popup window or use thesame winID=win if you want to close 1-st popup.
content - will be the path to the file you want to load in your popup (files/test.html)
skin - is the name of your skin (default in my example)
contentType - set this parameter to iframe.
Q: How can I set the padding for the menu text at the top for the javascript select menu? I want more padding on the left of the text but I don't want it centered.
A: You can set bigger left padding for your Submenu Style, for example:
var menuStyles = [
["menuBackColor=transparent","menuBorderWidth=0","itemSpacing=1","itemPadding=0px 5px 0px 25px"],
itemPadding=0px 5px 0px 25px - top right bottom leftQ: My Submenu is faded too quickly if I pull the mouse away from the java drop down menu.
A: You can try to use JavaScript Tree Menu - this is a newer version of DHTMLMenu. You can use the following parameters there:
var smShowPause=200;
var smHidePause=5000;
Q: As a follow up, please could you take a look at the attached images and let us know if there are any settings within the javascript drop menu files set within the previous mail that would make the 1st sub menu indent a couple of pixels when the 2nd sub menu sits correctly.
A: This is space to document borders. We've set this space, so that yoursubmenus will not look like the part of browser window. If you wantyou can delete that space.
Open dmenu.js file in any text editor and find the following code:
Change 15 to 0.