Recent Questions Javascript Tree Onmouseover
Q: I never succeed to see the images in the dhtml menu examples using my default folder hierarchy (ie : a folder for the html files and a folder for the js files). The only way for me was to create the data.files folder in the html folder. It works but it does not follow my production standard. Did I forget something ?
A: You should set relative paths according to your html page.
For example, you have such file structure:
1.html // page with the dhtml menu examples
2.html // page with the dhtml menu examples
So in Deluxe Tuner you should open image.gif file.
You will have, for example:
Then you should delete "d:\webpages\site1\web-content\" and add ../prefix. The path will be:
You can also set path_prefix
var pathPrefix_img = "../Artwork/";
Or you can try to use absolute paths, for example:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
Q: It appears that this product only supports IE (on the PC and Mac). It does not support Safari or Netscape on any platform. Is that correct?
I ask because I like the product and would like to purchase the developer\'s license but our users represent a wide range of platforms and browsers.
A: DHTML products support a major part of modern browsers:
IE 5+
Opera 5+
NS 6+
Also they support MAC browsers: Safari, IE, Firefox.
But DHTML Menu has some problems on this browsers with a submenuspositioning in some cases.
If you can't see Tree Menu in Firefox you should set these parameters:
Try to specify units in "px".
var tmenuWidth = "280px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.
You should set this parameter:
var tmenuHeight = "auto";
Q: I am becoming more frustrated by the moment. I try to add more menu items, the default icons (images) disappear and I can't figure out how to get them back.
Is this a bug in your software or am I simply doing something wrong? Every time this happens, I have to start over and end up with the same results - lost or missing icons.
A: That's mean that you don't use Individual Item Styles for the newitems.
Please, see how you should use Individual Styles for the items similar the one which you're going tocreate and see it parameters.
You should use the same parameters for the new item.
Try that.
Q: We need to place a vertical menu on the right of our page, and have the subnav options popout on the LEFT of the vertical navbar.
Can you script handle this?
A: Yes, you can create such menu with JavaScript Tree Menu.
Please, see:
You should set this parameter.
Submenus can be shown in 4 ways. More info you can find here:
var smViewType=2;