Recent Questions Ajax Tree Menu Open Source
Q: Using the example menu you have, how do i make the sub-menu for the 'Sample' menu item a multi-column and leave the 'Product Info' menu item as is.
I only want certain sub-menus to have multi-columns. I don't want all menu items to have a multi-column sub.
A: Please, see the attached example.
You should use individual styles.
var menuStyles = [
["smColumns=1"], //style 1
["More Samples","testlink.htm"],
["|Group 1","", , , , , "3", "1", , ], //assign style 1
Try that.
Q: I was testing your suite and I like it very much, but I do have problems with IE 7 (last updates) on a winXP Pro machine. The javascript menu sample doesn't show up on the site. Do you know something about this or can you tell me what I have made wrong? I tried the normal export and also the export code for search friendly sites.
Please give me a short hint, what I must change.
Looking forward in hearing from you soon
A: Try to set exact width for the menu.
var menuWidth="400px";
Q: Great product and incredible user friendly interface to loadeverything up! I wasn't used to such a user friendly interface and was looking way to hard.
I did have one question though. When I open up Deluxe Tuner and click on the javascript slide down menu sample to the left (with the search box), I get the following message:
I click no, and the javascript slide down menu comes up, but no search box! Any idea why this is so?
A: There will be no search box in that template.
Actually you are able to paste any html code within items.
For example:
var tmenuItems = [
["||<nobr><FORM method=GET action=''><input name='as_q' value='search
the web' size=15 style='font-size:10'> <INPUT type=hidden name=cof
value='LW:144;L:; LH:45;AH:center;GL:0;S:;AWFID:e01cb67b8afe383e;'></form></nobr>","",
"images/icons/search.gif", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", "",],
But Javascript/DHTML Tree doesn't have a search feature.
There is a search feature in JavaScript Tree Menu:
Q: Can I expand all tree category, or expand two tree category?
I like your javascript menu expand product.
A: You can expand all items in Javascript/DHTML Tree, set:
var texpanded=1;
To expand specific items you should add "+" sign before item's text:
["+Samples Gallery","", "", "", "", "XP Title Tip", "", "1", "0", "", ],
["|+Samples Block 1","", "default.files/icon3_s.gif", "default.files/icon3_so.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||New Sample 1","testlink.htm", "default.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||New Sample 2","testlink.htm", "default.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],