Recent Questions Server Side Includes Tree Menu
Q: I've just put together a new drop down menu box for one of the sites I'm working on and whilst in IE it works fine, in FF the drop down menu box is not appearing over the Flash banner.
I don't understand why as this was put together with the latest version of JavaScript Tree Menu - my understanding was that this issue was resolved a while back?
Can you help me sort this.
A: See fix for flash in Firefox here:
Q: Am I under the correct assumption that if the inner menu item text expands past the ItemWidth or MenuWidth (being that the Width is set -- eg 150px), that the javascript menu div width will expand past it's boundaries instead of wrapping the text? (eg. A text like "Please Make this Wrap instead of expand the width boundary" seems to expand the container's width rather than wrap)
A: There are 2 ways to do that:
1. set
var noWrap=0;
2. use <br> tags, for example:
var menuItems = [
["line 1<br>line 2"],
Q: Question: How do you enable or configure settings so that on default a specific "Tab" is always set to on or shown as the preload tab, I have a eStore page where I would like to insure that a specific Tab is always shown on default and all others are hidden on the first revealing of the page? Can you help?
A: Use the following parameters to set the selected top and submenu items:
var bselectedItem = 0;
var bselectedSmItem = 0;
Deluxe Tabs doesn't support API functions which can return theselected tab aslo.
You can set "bselectedItem" and " var bselectedSmItem" parametersbased on your link before you call your data file.
For example, move " var bselectedItem" and " var bselectedSmItem" parametersfrom your data file to your code.
<TD vAlign=top align=left>
/* Select Tab */
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
var bselectedItem=<?php echo $seltabs; ?>;
var bselectedSmItem=<?php echo $selsmtabs; ?>;
<SCRIPT src="data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
You should define seltabs and selsmtabs using server side script.
You can also set it on every page before you call data.js file, forexample:
<TD vAlign=top align=left>
/* Select Tab */
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
var bselectedItem=4;
var bselectedSmItem=3;
<SCRIPT src="data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
</TD>Q: I'm looking at purchasing your deluxe menu software.
Could you advise how to create pull down menus or if it's possible?
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.
Yes, it is possible.
You can see our menus on
Create your menu in Deluxe Tuner application.
You can create any menu as you like in Deluxe Tuner.
Please, try to download trial package once again. We added alltemplates in Deluxe Tuner Templates window.
Unfortunately, Deluxe Tuner doesn't copy all need images forVista Template into your folder. You should do it manually.
After you create your menu in Deluxe Tuner you should copy all images youneed for the menu into your folder and correct images paths.
You should set the following parameter
var pathPrefix_img="";
2. You should install the menu on your page.
You can click, for example, File/Export to HTML (you can't do it inthe MAC version).
Add several rows into your html page.
<!-- JavaScript Tree Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath="deluxe-menu.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-menu.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data-deluxe-menu.js"></script> //data-deluxe-menu.js - data file created in Deluxe Tuner.
<tr><td><script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-menu.files/data.js"></script></td></tr>
You should also copy all engine files
into "deluxe-menu.files/" folder. You should place this folder in thesame folder with your index. html page.
Try that.