Recent Questions Jquery Mlm Tree Menu
Q: When I use API like <script>dm_ext_deleteItem(0, 0, 0);</script> it works fine in my first dhtml drop down menu code (menu.js) but I'm unable to reach second one (menu_gauche.js). I’ve tried this : <script>dm_ext_deleteItem(1, 0, 0);</script> and the page came’s out with a JavaScript error on that line. I’ve read on your side about dm_ext_deleteItem api and the first parameter is for menu Id … If there anything that I have forgot ??
A: You cannot use the following function for the tree menu:
dm_ext_deleteItem(1, 0, 0);
There is no such function there:
You should use
dtreet_ext_deleteItem (0, 0)
for the tree menu, see more info:
You should set menuInd=0 if you have only one dhtml drop down menu code on your page.
Q: I would like to know how to put items in on multiple lines for the horizontal navigation
(i.e. create a line feed), how do I tell my code to start a new menuitem on the NEXT line?
A: There are 2 ways to do that:
1) set
var noWrap=0;
2) use <br> tags, for example:
var menuItems = [
["|Here is where <br>I would like <br>to have a line<br> feed",,"","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",],
Q: Is there any way can we display sub level menu items on mouse over of first level menu items using tabs (Text Style Javascript Dhtml Tab / Java Script Tab Script Text Style / Javascript Tab Navigation Text Style / Javascript Tabbed Menus XP Style)
A: Unfortunately, you can do it on mouseover with Deluxe Tabs.
But you can create such menu using JavaScript Tree Menu.
Q: I am a web designer, my question is do I have to buy a license for each website I install this css dropdown menu or do I buy it once and use it for all my projects?
A: We have different license types.
You can buy JavaScript Tree Menu for the single domain name.
If you want to use the menu on the several domain names you can buyMultiple Website License and generate your own keys for the domainnames.
If you don't want to generate reg. keys for the domain names youcan buy Developer license. With the Developer license you can use the menu on an unlimited number of Internet or Intranet sites and on the local machines.This version of the script doesn't check keys and it isn't bound to a domain name, so it can be used with an application that doesn't have a fixed domain name.
See more info: