Java Tree Menu Gratis by
Java Tree Menu Gratis

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Java Tree Menu Gratis Simple Tree Drop Down Menu

Features Java Tree Menu Gratis

Unrivalled Features
  • Scrollable, dragable, floating
  • Unique Java Script API for altering menu "on-the-fly", without page reloading
  • AJAX technology - loads menu data from the server "on-fly and on-demand".
Cost Effective
Tree Collapse Website Navigation Java Tree Menu Gratis
  • Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Menu can be populated from a database using ASP, PHP, etc.
  • Search engine friendly
  • Support for any doctypes
  • Fits for secure sites
Seamless Integration
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
Professional Look-n-feel
  • Entirely customizable look-n-feel
  • A lot of pre-designed java tree menu gratis samples
  • Hundreds of visual effects
  • Custom CSS styles can be applied for all menu settings
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Javascript Tree Menu. Expandable Menu.

  • There is no need to write additional code on a server side to remember what items were expanded/collapsed. Javascript/DHTML Tree can save items state automatically!
  • When the submenu is bigger than the visible page area, you can use the scollbar for submenus to scroll your menu!

Recent Questions Java Tree Menu Gratis

Q: I am using your product for a website. It seems that I am getting a Javascript error, particularly when accessing any of thedropdown menus. The details of this error message reference either"line 1" or "line 8".
Char= ...
Error= Object expected
URL= (whatever page that I am on).

Please let me know what the issue is asap as my client is anxiousto go live with this and needs to be resolved!!!!!

A: You should check your dmWorkPath parameter. You should write itcorrectly.
You should also check that you copy all dmenu_xx.js files in the samefolder with dmenu.js file.

Please, set also the following parameter:
  var itemBorderWidth="0";

This parameter cannot be empty.

Q: I am using a licensed copy of JavaScript Tree Menu and am extremely happy with the software and the functionalities provided. Great Work !!

I wanted to know how to hide/ disable the item in the javascript text menu for a particular user/roleid in .ASP.Net1.1 Kindly help me out with this problem as soon as possible.

A: You can find more info here:

You can try to use API functions in that case:

function dm_ext_changeItemVisibility (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, visibility)

To disable items you should set the target parameter to "_".

You can try to use the following function

function disable() {
dm_ext_changeItem(0, 1, 1, ["", "", "", "", "", "_"]);

to disable items in your javascript text menu.

Q: I'm using the deluxe-tree. On the top of the tree there is a title. When I click on the title of expandable tree the whole menu collapse. How can I disable this option?

I want to keep the collapse option when I click on the collapse button but not when I click on the title. I'm using the Xp style1 and I also want to keep the aspect of this title.

I hope I'm clear to you ... if you need me to be more precise let me know.

A: Try to set the following parameter:

  var texpandItemClick=0;

Q: How do you change the back ground color of the menu?
menuBackColor just changes the pull down background.
I'm stuck with a blue background which i guess is the default.

I've looked at the parameters page for info, tried a few different items but none worked for changing the background.

I'm sure its something very obvious, but any help would be appreciated.

A: Please, don't forget to change also item background colors:

  var itemBackColor = ["color", "color"];