Recent Questions Build Dynamic Javascript Tree
Q: I test your free menu before buy but I have a question.
Is it possible to integrate a font in the dhtml menu creator which was not on the internaute system ?
I want to customize my menu with change the font, but this font is not on the system with default.
How link my menu with a new font?
A: If you want to use unusual font for your menu you should create imagesfor each item with text and use it in your menu.
Actually you can choose any font installed on your computer in the dhtml menu creator, but this font won't work on your website.
Q: I'm using your menu for my customers.
IHtml menu script works really great but since your last updates I'm really missing the parameter smviewtype=3, so I can have a subnavigation going other direction as usual.
Since you had this feature build in I choosed your menu and did a lot of programming, to get it integrated into contenido cms system.
I would be very pleased, if you could help me on this point.
A: You should set the way you show submenus using subMenuAlign and subMenuVAlign parameters.See more info here: Actually I think we've managed to figure most of the below out, so I'd be grateful if you could give us some pointers with the following instead...
How might we be able to include your javascript menu scripts within e.g. asp tags? We'd like some menu options to be hidden from some users, but I'm getting errors when I put asp tags in your data.js file.
A: It seems to me that you have syntactical error in your code.
Please, check that you don't have double quotes in your code. If you have several quotes you shoulduse back slashes before them, for example:
response.Write( " ['|Test A','javascript:alert(\'Test\');', '', '', '', '', '0', '-1', '', ], " )
["|Loan Profile","../pipeline/loan_profile.asp?id=<%=rsLoans('loan_id')%>", "", "","", "", "", "2"],
Q: I need to know how to have the background in the main menutransparent, and then the sub-menu/s a different translucent color.
Or, the background for the main menu one color, and the sub-menu/s a different color..
A: To set transparent background for the menu you should set:
var menuBackColor="transparent";
var itemBackColor=["transparent","transparent"];
and use Individual Item Styles for your submenus:
var itemStyles = [
["itemBackColor=#8EE8E1,#26BBB0"], //style0
["itemBackColor=#F4B7FB,#E65AF5"], //style1
var menuItems = [
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Product Info","", "default.files/icon1.gif", "default.files/icon1o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["|Features","testlink.html", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", "", "", "0", "", "", ], //style0
["|Installation","", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", "", "", "1", "", "", ], //style1
["||Description of Files","testlink.html", "default.files/icon6.gif", "default.files/icon6o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||How To Setup","testlink.html", "default.files/icon6.gif", "default.files/icon6o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["|Parameters Info","testlink.html", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", "", "", "0", "", "", ], //style0
["|Dynamic Functions","testlink.html", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", "", "", "1", "", "", ], //style0
["|Supported Browsers","", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", "", "", "0", "", "", ], //style0
["||Windows OS","", "default.files/icon3.gif", "default.files/icon3o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Internet Explorer","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Firefox","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Mozilla","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Netscape","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Opera","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||MAC OS","", "default.files/icon3.gif", "default.files/icon3o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Firefox","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],