Recent Questions Mx Tree Style
Q: I want to know context menus can be displayed?
A: Yes you can create context menu, for more info see:
Q: I need a navigation bar dhtml where on the click of certain items, server side code on the page can be called and executed.
I need to create a multiple item select menu. Sothe menu would need to remain open and allow a user to selectmultiple items and would either submit onmouseout or maybe a “submitthese selections” menu item.
A: You can try to use Javascript/DHTML Tree in that case:
You can paste any html code inside item text, see example here:
["+Support", "", "icon5_t.gif", "icon5_to.gif", "", "Support Tip"],
["|Index <select style='width:120px;height:17px;font:normal 10px Tahoma,Arial;'><option>Section 1<option>Section 2<option>Section 3</select>", "", "", "", "", "","", "0"],
["|Search <input type=text style='width:80px;height:17px;font:normal 10px Tahoma,Arial;'> <input type=button value='Go'style='width:30px;height:17px;font:normal 10px Tahoma,Arial;'>", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0"],
["|Write Us", "mailto:[email protected]", ""],
["|<INPUT TYPE=checkbox CHECKED ID=chk1 onclick='choosebox1()'>Uncheck this check box for some free advice","","","",],
["<img src='img/sep.gif' width=113 height=1>"],
You should also add your own code, so your checkbox will workcorrectly.Q: I am using the deluxe tree menu but i am facing problem while using ajax
so can you please guide me how can i use the ajax functionality for the dhtml tree..
A: To enable AJAX Tree Menu use the following menu parameters:
var tajax=1; // enables AJAX technology support
Each .js file must contain menuItems variable for the submenu in the following format:
var tmenuItems = [
[text, link, icon1, icon2, icon2, tip, target, itemStyle, submenuStyle, jsFileName],
Where jsFileName - .js filename on the server that contains tmenuItems variable for the submenu.
More info you'll find here:
Q: Is it possible for the dhtml navigation to stay within a table for placement (in order to have a centered website content optimized for 1024x768 - and always have the content centered in the browser regardless of larger resolution sizes, etc.)? so the horizontal placement may vary but the vertical placement would remain the same.
I'm sure it is - but have not had success on implementing it.
A: You can place a menu in a TABLE or DIV with aligh="center".