Recent Questions Treeview Checkbox To Expand Tree Javascript
Q: We are having a bit of trouble with your menu, when you go down into a sub menu, and then back to the item that called it, the sub menu expands.
For example, if i have this menu structure
When i MouseOver New and then MouseOver File, the menu containing New, Save and Exit will grow. If i keep doing this then the menu will continue to expand horizontally.
I know its something we have done, since there doesn't seem to be a problem on your site, its just i don't know what it is
A: Rozi, we heard about such problems. I suppose that you see such effectin IE.
Please, try not to use shadow in the menu.
Please, set this parameter:
var shadowLen=0;
We'll correct this bug soon.
Try also write all units in "px", for example:
var itemPadding = "3px";
Q: I am conisdering purchasing your menu generator product, however I have a question that is very important to me.
How can I add a separator to the dhtml menu examples using the dynamic functions? It seems as though the only way to get a separator into the menu is by defining it before hand, but the website I'm building will require me to reload the menus dinamically, and I'm losing the ability to put separators on it.
If there's a workaround for it, or if there's a chance that you can give me a prototype function that exposes that functionality, that would be acceptable as well.
A: You should add items using the following function:
function dm_ext_addItem (menuInd, submenuInd, iParams)
function dm_ext_addItemPos (menuInd, submenuInd, iParams, Pos)
Find more info:
Set the following parameter:
var dm_writeAll=1;
So, you should write:
dm_ext_addItem(0, 4, ["|-", "", "", "", "", "", "", ])Q: Is it possible to set the width for each individual tab in the html tabs navigation
instead of having them size dynamically based on the tab name?
Basically I want to have identically sized tabs,
but can't figure out how todo it.
A: You can create Individual Items Style and assign it to your tabs.
var bstyles = [
var bmenuItems = [
["Item 1","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Item 2","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Item 3","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Item 4","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Item 5","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
Q: When using the Deluxe-Tabs, the second tab seems to be the first selected tab when displaying tabs in a page. Is there a way to set the default tab showing on a page load?
A: You should use the following parameter:
var bselectedItem = 3;
Where 3 is the number of your menu item from the var bmenuItemsparameter.
var bmenuItems =
["Mac Tab 1", "content1"],
["Mac Tab 2", "content2"],
["Mac Tab 3", "content3"],
["Mac Tab 4", "content4"], // selected tab
The ID of the item starts with 0.
Try that.