Recent Questions Text Tree Animation
Q: I am now ready to re-create my menu. It says to edit my data file. When I try to do that it will NOT open. It says my computer does not have the right program? What do I need?
Also, once I have created the menu in Deluxe tuner, where should I save it? In the folder where my website pages are saved? Again, I am using Yahoo sitebuilder, so I am not exactly sure where I should save it in these folders?
Furthermore, when I tried to save a file before I removed Deluxe tuner and reloaded it, It would ask me if I wanted to copy all my files? What is that and what is the purpose?
I really like the deluxe tuner and I really want to be able to utilize this to create a menu, however, if I can't figure out how to get it onto my website, I am going to be out of luck
A: > I am now ready to re-create my menu. It says to edit my data file. When I
> try to do that it will NOT open. It says my computer does not have the right
> program? What do I need?
You should open your data file with the menu in any text editor andadd your reg. key.
Try that.
> Also, once I have created the menu in Deluxe tuner, where should I save it?
You can save your data file in any place and then copy to the rightplace.> Furthermore, when I tried to save a file before I removed Deluxe tuner and
> reloaded it, It would ask me if I wanted to copy all my files? What is that
> and what is the purpose?
If you click yes, Deluxe Tuner save also all engine .js files and allyour images into "data.files/" folder.
You can also click Export->To HTML.
So you'll have html page with your menu and folder with engine .jsfiles and images.
So you should to do the following things:
1. open your page in Yahoo's SiteBuilder
2. open generated with Deluxe Tuner html source code of the page in anytext editor
3. copy such lines from html source code
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "data.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data.files/dmenu.js"></script>
and add them in you <head> tag.
Then find such line, for example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="data.files/data.js"></script>
and add it in you <body> tag in the place where you want to have themenu. For example, you can paste it in <table> or <div> tag:
<tr><td><script type="text/javascript" src="data.files/data.js"></script></td></tr>
<div align=center>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data.files/data.js"></script>
For info see:
You should also copy "data.files/" folder in the right place. In thefolder where you have you index.html page, created in Yahoo'sSiteBuilder.
Q: I want that this tree expanded or collapsed (clicking on the image. e.g. like the right button) and go to the link when clicked on the item.
A: No problem.
You can assign a link to the item that has subitems.
When you'll click on item's button, it'll be expanded.
When you'll click on the item, item's link will be opened.
Q: I have purchased the Developer License for all products.
However in the Tuner tool I don't see any option for creating calendars.
How to design javascript calendars using the tuner tool? Where is the manual for Calendar?
A: We haven't added Calendar in Deluxe Tuner.
You can find it in the installed package:
C:\Program Files\JavaScript Tree Menus\calendar\
Calendar, http://www.calendardatepicker.comQ: We have a question and a problem.
This is a link to our website with your menue:
Down the navigation point "FAQґs" is a submenue like darm, diverses, einlagen etc....)
If you click on a link in this submenue a new window open _BLANK!
Is it possible to open the new site in a popup in dhtml drop down menu, like 800 x 600 or something?
A: You should paste the following code inside 'Link' field of menuItems (you can do it inDeluxe Tuner):'','_blank','height=600,width=800, status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');