Mvc Recursive Tree View by
Mvc Recursive Tree View

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Menu Screenshots Mvc Recursive Tree View

Mvc Recursive Tree View Menu Tree Vertical

Features Mvc Recursive Tree View

Seamless Integration
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
Unrivalled Features
  • Scrollable, dragable, floating
  • Unique Java Script API for altering menu "on-the-fly", without page reloading
  • AJAX technology - loads menu data from the server "on-fly and on-demand".
Cascade Menus Css Tree Mvc Recursive Tree View
High Performance
  • AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly".
  • Commonly loads quicker than other html page elements
  • Runs well with an unlimited number of submenus and items
  • Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Menu can be populated from a database using ASP, PHP, etc.
  • Search engine friendly
  • Support for any doctypes
  • Fits for secure sites
Cost Effective
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Javascript Tree Menu. Expandable Menu.

  • You can create 3-state icons for each item: normal state, mouseover state, expanded state.
  • Use images for icons, backgrounds of submenus and items.
  • You can use with any amount of menu and submenus on one page.
  • Insert any HTML code inside the menu item - be it a form or a picture, a flash-object or a text. This ability allows you to create various menus of any complexity.

Recent Questions Mvc Recursive Tree View

Q: How I can set left align for the arrows in my drop down menu templates?

  var arrowImageSub=["arr_1_blk.gif","arr_1_red.gif"];

A: If you want that your arrows will appear on the left side you shouldset:

  var dmRTL=0;


Q: When using website tab menu, where do I place the text content related to the selected tab,
(the text presented on the rest of the screen under the tab)?
And who do I connect a specfic text to a certain tab?

A: See, for each item you should assign the ID property of the contentDIV (see data file with your menu parameters).
You should set  var tabMode=0;

["Style Name","contentName", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Style Description","contentDescription", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Style Variations","contentVariations", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Empty","", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", ],

And on your html page you should create DIV's with such ID.
You canset background image for these DIV's in styles.

<div id="contentName" style="height: 0%; visibility: hidden; background-image:
url('img/back.jpg'); background-repeat:repeat-y;" class="tabPage">
<p align=center><img src="img/style01_title.gif" width=140 height=90 alt="Glass Style Tabs"></p>
You should paste your content here!!!!!

<div id="contentDescription" style="height: 0%; visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
<p align=center><img src="img/style01_title.gif" width=140 height=90 alt="Glass Style Tabs"></p>
You should paste your description here!!!!!

Q: I am just starting to work with deluxe menu for a site that I am developing. I will soon be going through the purchase of a license but have not yet reached that point.
At the moment though, as I build the framework for the site locally on my computer, I notice that the menu behave a looks differently in IE 6 and Firefox (I am focusing on a CSS base menu). Is this something that will be worked out once I have purchased the licensing key or is there something else that I am missing?

A: JavaScript Tree Menu works fine in all browsers.
Try to set exact width for the menu width and menu height, try to specify unitsin "px":
  var menuWidth="500px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.
  var menuHeight="20px";
You should also check your padding parameter, you should write it so:
  var itemPadding="1px 1px 1px 12px";

You can also send us a copy of your html page (including .js files) ora direct link to your website, so we can check it.

Q: I have tried changing every menu variable I can see to make the actual iconbackground a different color than the menu items background with no success.Is this possible?

I would like the icon background to change with the alternating colors byrow .. and I know how to do this. but when I do it .. all the menus andsubmenus also change and I would like their background to stay white.

A: Yes, it's possible.
You should use an individual style for icon item, please see