Recent Questions Javascript Tree Menu Using Css
Q: I can’t seem to figure out how to specify the width of individual horizontal menu items for the html menu. I would like to specify that each menu item on the horizontal take up just 113px regardless of the number of characters in the item. Is there a way of doing that?
A: You should use var itemStyles to set an individual item style. Forexample:
var itemStyles = [
var menuItems = [
["text 1", "link", "icon1", "icon2", "tip", "target", "0"],
["text 2", "link", "icon1", "icon2", "tip", "target", "0"],
["text 3", "link", "icon1", "icon2", "tip", "target", "0"],
Where "0" - style number in itemStyles that contains the parametersfor items width.
Use Deluxe Tuner GUI to create and assign individual styles.
Q: I have set the 'Home' page link from the top level of the menu 'Item style' top Item, to link to my Index page, but the link doesn't work. Is there a special way to set linksfrom the main menu headings?
A: You cannot use links for the main items in the XP style.
But you can try to do the following things for your "Home" item:
["<a href='index.html' class='home'>Home</a>","", "", "", "", "Return to Index page", "", "0", "", ],
And create styles
color: #FFFFFF;}
color: #FFBEBE;}
Q: Is there a way to create a vertical menu in which the sub menus "fly out" to the left of the main menu?
A: Yes, it is possible.
To create vertical menu you should set
var isHorizontal=0;
Why of showing submenu you can set so:
var smViewType=2;
Q: I was not able to resolve seeing FAQ, is the following one:
If an item of a menu is very large, as "please, select the color you prefer for the background of the image of the photo of your san", as can I put a break line to obtain the item written in two or more lines?, as, for example:
please, select the color you
prefer for the background of
the image of the photo of your son
only an item, anly a link, but three lines in the item.
A: Try to set this parameter:
var noWrap=0;
If it is not suitable for you, try to use <br> tags in the item text, for example:
var menuItems = [
["please, select the color you<br>prefer for the background
of<br>the image of the photo of your son",,,],