Recent Questions Free Tree Menu Scripts
Q: The buttons show up just fine in IE, but not in the other browsers. I am using Frontpage for my html.
A: Your file names are incorrect.
For example, now you have:
Button gold side 2 NEW.GIF
Button purple side 2 NEW.GIF
Firefox and Opera cannot open a file with blanks in the name.
Please, rename your files, for example:
Your menu will work fine.
Q: I need to have a horizontal menu and a vertical menu on the same page (obviously with different content). I did this as two separate "projects" in the tuner and gave them different names so that the files wouldn't step on each other. However, it looks like only the second menu works, though it does show both. I assume it has something to do with the variable dmWorkPath overriding the first value with the second. How can I have two menus each with different content on the same HTML page?
A: You can use as many menus as you want on the one page.
But you should call dmWorkPath parameter and dmenu.js file only once.
<!-- JavaScript Tree Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "menudir/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/dmenu.js"></script>
<!-- (c) 2007, -->
Q: I'm testing your menu, however this always display the result of the execution of this code, that was generated by the GUI tool
<!-- Code for JavaScript Tree Menu Items. Generated by Deluxe Tuner -->
<div id="dmlinks" style="font:bold 14px Arial;color:#000000;text-decoration:none">
<a id="dmI1" href="testlink.html">Recompensas</a>
<a id="dmI3" href="testlink.html">Ingresar</a>
<a id="dmI4" href="testlink.html">Cuentale a un amigo</a>
<a id="dmI6" href="testlink.html">Ingresar</a>
<a id="dmI7" href="testlink.html">Servicios y Soluciones</a>
<a id="dmI8" href="testlink.html">Contactanos</a>
<a id="dmI9" href="">Acerca de Medussa</a>
<a id="dmI14" href="testlink.htm">Soporte</a>
<!-- End of Code for JavaScript Tree Menu Items -->
I don't know what's happenning I followed the instructions that you describe in your installation process. I'm using the menu in a jsp page.
A: Now on your page you have only search engine friendly code for JavaScript Tree Menu. You do not have menu.
See more info about the installation of the menu here:
You should paste also such lines, for example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-menu.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-menu.files/data.js"></script>
Where data.js is the file with your menu. You can create such file using Deluxe Tuner.
You should upload this files on your server in the correct place.
Q: In Internet Explorer 7 , the menu with javascript was completely invinsible.
A: Try to set exact width for the menu, for example:
var menuWidth="500px";