Json Php Jstree by Deluxe-Tree.com
Json Php Jstree

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Menu Screenshots Json Php Jstree

Json Php Jstree Cool Tree Examples

Features Json Php Jstree

Professional Look-n-feel
  • Entirely customizable look-n-feel
  • A lot of pre-designed json php jstree samples
  • Hundreds of visual effects
  • Custom CSS styles can be applied for all menu settings
  • Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Menu can be populated from a database using ASP, PHP, etc.
  • Search engine friendly
  • Support for any doctypes
  • Fits for secure sites
Menu Dhtml Tree Json Php Jstree
Easy Setup
  • De Luxe Tuner. GUI interface to create your json php jstree menus easily and in no time
  • Sensible menu parameters for manual editing
Seamless Integration
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
Unrivalled Features
  • Scrollable, dragable, floating
  • Unique Java Script API for altering menu "on-the-fly", without page reloading
  • AJAX technology - loads menu data from the server "on-fly and on-demand".
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Javascript Tree Menu. Expandable Menu.

  • There can be as many submenus as you want.
  • Use a mouse to drag a menu as a usual window.
  • When the page is scrolled the menu remains visible. The Javascript/DHTML Tree can "float" along one or two coordinate axes. After clicking on menu item selected item becomes highlighted.

Recent Questions Json Php Jstree

Q: I am looking for a way to use "position:fixed; in order to keep my drop menu navigation at the top of the screen when scrolling down.

Can you tell me how to do this?

A: You should use floating feature to keep your drop menu navigation at the top of thescreen when scrolling down.

See more info here:

Q: I want to be able to right-click somewhere on the page and have the menu javascript pop up where the mouse is and have at least one level of submenus available.

A: See how to create javascript pop up menu using JavaScript Tree Menu here:


Q: I am evaluating your menu product - very nice! However, I am relatively new to HTML, though a long time software developer, just not HTML!

My question - is it possible to have the menu be in a table cell and have the menu resize based on the cell width, if the cell width is specified in percent (%).

For example, if I have a table and I have a first column that is set at 15% of the width of the table, can I insert a menu in that cell and have it fill the cell?

A: Try to set 100% width for the menu.

  var menuWidth="100%";

Q: Can you please give me tips on how I can style all menuitems to have font bold when selected and normal font when not selected?

A: Unfortunately, Javascript/DHTML Tree doesn't have such a feature. You can onlyset it's color. You cannot set the font of menu item bold when selected.

You can set menu item's font bold onMouseover, see example here:

You should addthe following code in your data file:

function changeFont(obj, over)
obj.style.fontWeight = over ? 'bold' : 'normal';
obj.style.fontSize = over ? '13px' : '12px'; // You can not use this line

  var tmenuItems = [

["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Security</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Ease of Access</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
 ["|<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Internet Options</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
 ["|<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Windows Firewall</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Network and Internet</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Hardware</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Programs</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Appearance</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
 ["|<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>User Accounts</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
 ["|<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Personalization</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Sound and Speech</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Additional Options</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],

Please, notice also that you should add this function every time whenyou change your menu in Deluxe Tuner application, as Tuner deletesthis function.