Recent Questions Treeview Menu Jquery
Q: Could you please help me with another question?
I am using your regular dhtml menu inside an asp page.
I want to make a call to different javascripts with parameters from different menu items (Which should work fine.. )
I have now been trying to do this by using the alert() java metod....
This line works perfect:
["|Test A","javascript:alert('Test');", "", "", "", "", "0", "-1", "", ],
But if I try to write the same line within ASP brachets ( <% %> ) the menu does not show up:
response.Write( " ['|Test A','javascript:alert('Test');', '', '', '', '', '0', '-1', '', ], " )
I have also found that if I remove the parameter inside the javascript like this:
response.Write( " ['|Test A','javascript:alert();', '', '', '', '', '0', '-1', '', ], " )
the menu will show up and the script will work but since I can not insert any parameter it is pointless..
How can I achieve this?
I really hope you can help me with this one!
A: Try to write your code in the following way:
response.Write( " ['|Test A','javascript:alert(\'Test\');', '', '', '', '', '0', '-1', '', ], " )
Q: I am looking at purchasing the Drop Down Menu Program. I cannot find any examples of other sites that may be using your product.
And each link that I click on for help gives me code to use on the page. Does this mean that I need to know JavaScript to use this program effectively? How recent is the newest version of your program?
Please advise if there is a support forum, also.
A: I advise you to try our new Javascript menu -- JavaScript Tree Menu,
This is a newer version of DHTML Menu. It works better.
I can send you some links to the websites with JavaScript Tree Menu.
> Does this mean that I need to know JavaScript to use this
> program effectively?
No, there is no need in deep knowledge of javascript to use the menu.
You can use Deluxe Tuner application to create your menus easily.
We release the new version of the menu about two times a year.
Q: I make an example of html menu, but when i use it with frameset then the menu not show completly.
Is this possible, perhaps by using a javascript call?
A: To initialize the cross frame menu you should call dm_initFrame() function
instead of standard dm_init() function within data.js file:
dm_initFrame(framesetID, mainFrameInd, subFrameInd, orientation);
framesetID - id attribute of the frameset;
mainFrameInd - index of the main frame (where the top-menu is placed), >=0;
subFrameInd - index of the subframe (where the submenus will be shown), >=0;
orientation - frame orientaion: 0 - top-to-bottom, 1 - left-to-right; 2 - bottom-to-top; 3 - right-to-left.
You will find additioanal info about cross frame menu here: One other issue I am having if you don't mind helping. On my web site when I run the menu I get an Errors on page message with the following
Line: 16
Char: 18132
Error: Access is denied.
Code: 0
When I run the site from my local PC with the menu, I don't get this error?
Could you possibly suggest why? I can't find anything on your site.
A: Try to check all you paths.
original setting:
var tmenuBackImage="";
var titemBackImage=["",""];
changed to:
var tmenuBackImage="images/blank.gif";
var titemBackImage=["images/blank.gif","images/blank.gif"];
Try to specify units in "px".
var tmenuWidth = "180px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.
You should set this parameter:
var tmenuHeight = "auto";
Now you have such parameters in the menu:
["||24","C:/Documents and Settings/Paul/My Documents/My Web Sites/", , , , , "main_frame", , , , , ],
["||30 Days","C:/Documents and Settings/Paul/My Documents/My Web Sites/", , , , , "main_frame", , , , , ], ["||Battlestar Galactica","C:/Documents and Settings/Paul/My Documents/My Web Sites/", , , , , "main_frame", , , , , ],
["||Blade","C:/Documents and Settings/Paul/My Documents/My Web Sites/", , , , , "main_frame", , , , , ],
["||Eureka","C:/Documents and Settings/Paul/My Documents/My Web Sites/", , , , , "main_frame", , , , , ],
["||I Pity the Fool","C:/Documents and Settings/Paul/My Documents/My Web Sites/", , , , , "main_frame", , , , , ],
You cannot use local paths on your website.
Please, correct it. <
br>You should write for example: ["||24","", , , , , "main_frame", , , , , ],
["||30 Days","", , , , , "main_frame", , , , , ],
["||Battlestar Galactica","", , , , , "main_frame", , , , , ],
Try to use also the attached engine .js files on your server.