Recent Questions Floating Tree Menu
Q: Now I experiences a problem with the Danish letters in my java menu scripts! I have changed the letters in the scriptfile - but this does not work Have we a problem with Danish letters like: ø, å, æ?
A: Please, check that you've set "Tools/Use utf8 encode".
Notice that you should have UTF8 charset on your page too:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="UTF-8">
You can also use another charset on your html page and open your data file in text editor, enter thissymbols and save data file in the way you save your html page.
Notice that you should turn off "Tools/Use utf8 encode" setting inorder to open your data file correctly in Deluxe Tuner.
Q: I created a tree menu based on your template Vista Style 7.
I would like to know if there are some possibilities to set the x coordinate of the submenus. I would like to have a tree menu with submenus which are not moving to the right when expanding the main menu but staying under it.
A: You can only try to use the following parameter to change submenuposition:
var tlevelDX=0;
Q: I'm trying to rebuild my website with as a sponsor-show in it.
When a users clicks as sponsorimage a popup needs to appear with all the sponsor details.
Till now I've been doing this by using a standard popup window that opens a page sponsondetails.aspx?id=4
The sponsor images and the sponsor-id that goes with it are loaded from a access-database.
Is it possible to use a close popup window to display this information, and if so, how can I do this?
A: Actually you can use the deluxe popup window and use Iframe as its content.
You should set your page sponsondetails.aspx?id=4 I the link field.
You can find these parameters in Deluxe Tuner in the Common section.
Try to use the trial version.
You can find more info about installation on our website: I'm trying to shrink the vertical size of the sub-menu entries in my menu:
I think I've specified all the parameters correctly in data.js, but itТs hard to tell what affects the height of the submenu entries. Even reducing the type from 10pt to 8pt didnТt shrink them at all.
A: See, you set the following parameter:
var itemPadding = 7;
That is why you have such a big padding around the items.
If you don't want to change the appearance of the main items youshould create Individual Style for the subitems. For example:
var menuStyles = [
And assign this style for the first item in submenu.