Recent Questions Download Simple Jquery Tree Menu Example
Q: I’d like to know how to populate the navigation bar menu from a database?
A: Please, see the example of .php file.The content of .php file depends on your database structure.
// The example for PHP/MySQL.
// MySQL database has the table "menuTable" that contains data for menu items.
// The table has the following fields:
// 1. "text" - item text
// 2. "link" - item link
// 3. "icon1" - item icon (normal state)
// 4. "icon2" - item icon (mouseover state)
function getMenuItems()
$jsItems = '';
// Select all records from table "menuTable"
$allItems = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM menuTable;');
// Extract items data from database and build Javascript code for menuItems
while ($itemData=mysql_fetch_array($allItems))
$jsItems .= '["'.$itemData['text'].'", "'.$itemData['link'].'", "'.$itemData['icon1'].'", "'.$itemData['icon2'].'"],';
// Return Javascript code
return $jsItems;
var menuParam1 = value1;
var menuParam2 = value2;
var menuParam2 = value2;
var menuItems = [
// Write Javascript code for menu items
echo getMenuItems();
Q: I would like, that not only the text is represented differently when dhtml nav menu item is expanded, also the Icon separates before it at the side where I am.
iconarrs.gif is not right
iconarrs_aktiv.gif is right
How do I solve that?
A: You should set arrow for expanded state
["||Seite 1","seite1.htm", "deluxe-tree.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "deluxe-tree.files/iconarrs_aktiv.gif", "Seite 1", "_self", "", "", "", ],
["||Seite 2","seite2.htm", "deluxe-tree.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "deluxe-tree.files/iconarrs_aktiv.gif", "Seite2", "_self", "", "", "", ],
["||Seite 3","seite3.htm", "deluxe-tree.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "deluxe-tree.files/iconarrs_aktiv.gif", "Seite3", "_self", "", "", "", ],
Q: What I mean is I still want the destination page to be static inthe var menuitems but when the javascript side menu item is clicked, it'll run a js on the onclick or mouseup event.
Is this possible?
something like:
var menuItems = [
["text", "home", "javascript:onclick=your_code_here"]
A: You can achieve this by using standard html objects within javascript side menu items, for example:
var menuitems = [
["<div onContextMenu='your_code_here'>item text</div>", ""]
Actually you can use any html code within menuItems.
Q: Is it possible, for instance, to call dm_init multiple times in the list menu java? If so, do you have an example?
A: Yes, you can call dm_init(); function multiple times (for example youcan call several data files, or move menuItems array and dm_init();function into your page directly) to have multiple menus on your page.