Recent Questions Jsp Tree Menu
Q: I'm evaluating a copy of deluxe-tree and have a question about long items. I need to be able to either automatically wrap the line to fit the width given in the tmenuWidth variable or insert line breaks as I see fit.
At the moment I have found that I can insert the <br> tag to force a line to break but it messes up the space after the menu, if I have several one after the other then they will sit close together. If I add a
at the beginning of the menu entry then the space before is bigger than the default.
Is there any easy way around this?
A: Try to set the following parameter:
var tnoWrap=0;
Q: There is "Incorrect Copyright" message on our website in IE7. Please, help!
A: Now on your website you're using JavaScript Tree Menu v1.14.
You see "Incorrect Copyright" message because you're using old version of JavaScript Tree Menu. We've fixed this bug in the new version - v2.0.
How to upgrade to v2.00
You can download the licensed engine .js files from the same link in your license message.
JavaScript Tree Menu v2.00 has new parameters and features.
To upgrade to v2.00 you should do the following.
Step 1.
1.1 For Windows users
a. Run Deluxe Tuner v2.0
(can be found in the trial menu package v2.0
b. Open menu data file (.js file where menu parameters are placed):
select File/Open…
c. Save the file: select File/Save, then click "No" button when the dialog box appears.
1.2 For other OS users
a. Open menu data file (.js file where menu parameters are placed) in a text editor.
b. Make sure that the following variables exist in the data file:
var keystrokes = 0;
var dm_focus = 1;
var dm_actKey = 113;
var dynamic = 0;
var smHideOnClick = 1;
var itemAlignTop = 'left';
var smSmartScroll = 1;
var dmAJAX = 0;
var dmAJAXCount = 30;
var dmRTL = 0;
var dmObjectsCheck = 0;
var menuBackRepeat = "repeat";
var menuHeight = "";
var transDuration2 = 200;
If one of the variables doesn't exist - add it at the beginning of the file.
c. Save the file.
Step 2. Now open HTML-page that contains JavaScript Tree Menu.
Step 3. Replace existent <noscript></noscript> tags of the menu by the following code:
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
Step 4. Save HTML-page.
Step 5. New engine v2.00 has 7 .js files.
They are:
- dmenu.js
- dmenu4.js
- dmenu_add.js
- dmenu_dyn.js
- dmenu_key.js
- dmenu_cf.js (new v2.00)
- dmenu_popup.js (new v2.00)
Replace all old .js files by the files from v2.00.
Try that.
Q: Is there a way to create a vertical menu in which the sub menus "fly out" to the left of the main menu?
A: Yes, it is possible.
To create vertical menu you should set
var isHorizontal=0;
Why of showing submenu you can set so:
var smViewType=2;
Q: I don't understand why this isn't working right. I haven't messed with the files in a long time now but someone wrote me an email saying I’ve had incorrect copyright on the javascript dropdown menu for a long time.
A: "Incorrect Copyright" means that the script can't find required copyright parameters.
To avoid this, please, change:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="dmenu.js"></script>
<!-- JavaScript Tree Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="dmenu.js"></script>
<!-- (c) 2006,, -->