Recent Questions Jktreeview Is Not Defined Javascript
Q: I recently purchased a license to use Javascript/DHTML Tree Menu.
The javascript array menu is looking great in IE6.0, but there are some very odd images that show up in Firefox. Please help me resolve this issue.
I believe I made modifications from the template of Vista Style 7, although I'm not certain of this. I've deleted unnecessary images from the folder, zipped it up, and have attached it to this email. You'll see the problem on the AboutUs, Services, and Gallery pages.
A: Please, check that you have blank.gif image in the correct place.
For AboutUs page:
var tblankImage="aboutusmenu.files/blank.gif";
Q: We recently implemented your deluxe-menu on our site and are experiencing a few issues...
The java menu (slide-out portion) overlaps flash files on certain pages. In explorer, it seems to work fine, but in Safari, the java menu is hidden under the flash file. Is there anything you can think of that would be causing this... or anyway you know to fix it?
A: You should set the following parameter:
var dmObjectsCheck=0;
Please, add also dmenu_add.js file on your server.
I've checked your website.
The installation of the menu on your page is incorrect.
You have two entries of dmenu.js file on your site in the <head> tag.
You must have only one entry of dmenu.js file.
Please, delete the same code.
You should write so:
<!-- JavaScript Tree Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath="menu/"; </script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="dmenu.js"></script>
<!-- (c) 2006,, -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="data-image-based-5b.js"></script>
Try that.
Q: When doing a multi-frame frameset (1 top frame, 2 bottom frames) like this:
<frameset ID="frames" ONLOAD="getBottom()" ROWS="50, *" BORDER="0" FRAMEBORDER="no" FRAMESPACING="0">
    <frameset ID="bottomFrames" cols="171,*">
     <frame name="frmLeft" src="left.htm" MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 SCROLLING=NO NORESIZE FRAMEBORDER="0"/>
And using the dm_frameinit like this:
dm_initFrame("[object]", 0, 2, 0);
it works fine in IE -> the menus are displayed exactly under the text and in the bottom right frame.
However, in Firefox, the menu drop down is displayed to the right of the top menu text, and exactly the number of pixels as the width of the left frame.
Perhaps there needs to be some FireFox checking to fix this?
Can you help me with that?
A: The problem is in a structure of your frameset.
Mozilla browsers can't determine absolute coordinates for a frame, sosubmenus drop down with an offset.
You should create the following frameset structure:
   | menu
   | submenus
Now a top row has 2 columns and all browsers can determine awidth of the 1st column in the second row.
Q: I test your free menu before buy but I have a question.
Is it possible to integrate a font in the dhtml menu creator which was not on the internaute system ?
I want to customize my menu with change the font, but this font is not on the system with default.
How link my menu with a new font?
A: If you want to use unusual font for your menu you should create imagesfor each item with text and use it in your menu.
Actually you can choose any font installed on your computer in the dhtml menu creator, but this font won't work on your website.