Recent Questions Tree Menu Javascript Xp
Q: Is there a way to have the menu stay expanded in the same exact state when
I click on a menu item of the javascript tree view and go to a new page?
A: There is no need to write additional code on a server side to remember what items were expanded/collapsed.
DHTML Tree Menu can save items state automatically.
Please, see the example of the menu that works with cookies:
Set the following parameter:
var tsaveState = 1;
and the menu remembers its structure for each user who visit your page.
Try to expand/collapse items. Then reload the page and you'll see results.
Q: Do you plan to implement a fix in the cross browser drop down menu for the pointer - many of our users have complained that it is very un-intuitive - surely it must be possible to change the pointer to a hand if there is a link. I have tried putting <a> tags in to the menu labels, but it only changes to a hand if the actual label text is highlighted - it obviously should change whichever part of the box is highlighted? Is there no other workaround?
A: If you set the following parameter:
var itemCursor="pointer";
You'll have the mousepointer being a hand for all itemsin the menu.
Unfortunately, you can't change cursor type for different items.
But you can write so:
["<a href=''>Home</a>","", , , , , , , , ],
["Product Info","", , , , , "0", , , ],
["|What's New","", , , , , "0", , , ],
In all items with links you should use <a> tag.
Set this parameter:
var itemCursor="default";
Q: I'm trying created an independent menu from my html pages.
I have several pages stored in directories and subdirectories,
I would like to call theses pages from a single dhtml menu script.
A: You can use additional parameters to make menu paths absolute:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
var pathPrefix_link = "";
These parameters allow to make images and links paths absolute.
For example:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
var pathPrefix_link = "";
var menuItems = [
["text", "index.html", "icon1.gif", "icon2.gif"],
So, link path will be look so:
Images paths will be look so:
Please, try to use these parameters.
Q: Hi There. I wanted to use your product, but couldn’t figure out how multiple users could get varying menus using the file driven approach.
I currently use a java menu that I build on the fly without any files.
The only thing I could come up with was having each user refer to his/her own data.js file, that I can build on demand.
Does that make sense to you?
A: JavaScript Tree Menu is Javascript code only. It requires several .js files andit's generated on a client side.
Theoretically it is possible to have varying menus for multiple users.You should create your own server-side script (for example, php) thatwill change the menu for your users. The menu doesn't support such afeature.