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Q: I recently downloaded the trial version of JavaScript Tree Menu-Javascript/DHTML Tree and Deluxe Tabs. I am very, very pleased with your product!! I wish to purchase JavaScript Tree Menu & Tree & Tabs & Popup Window & Calendar Single Website License Product # 300094393.
However, before I do, I have a few questions first.
Question #1
I created a DeluxeTree Menu that is very large due to the amount of pages in my website and tested it on my website. It works fine. Of course I have created and saved a .js file and still have to add much more submenus to it. When I purchase the full version of javascript context menu will and begin to modify this .js file that I created will the "Trail Version" logo disappear? I hope so because it would be quite a task to have to re-create this file.
Question #2
I also created a JavaScript Tree Menu in a cross frame structure and placed the menu in the top frame. When I tested it and click on the menu button, the submenus drop down but do not appear in the frame below. They remain in the top frame forcing me to resize the top frame to see the submenus. When I viewed the example on your website for the cross frame structure, the examples show the submenus overlapping and appearing on the frame below the top frame. How do I fix this?
Thank you for time, looking forward to purchasing your product.
A: 1) There is no need to create your javascript context menu after the purchase.
You'll use new engine files only.
The purchased version of JavaScript Tree Menus doesn't have nag messages.
You'll see "Incorrect Key" message on a local machine but you won't see it on a registered domain.
2) You should install the menu in a cross-frame mode, see more info here:
Click "Show additional info" button.
Q: I'm fairly new to HTML and Java. I'm using your popup window html, (its great) but do notknow how to use the "ID object" function. I'm using Frontpage as my HTML editor. The only way I can figure out how to give "a line of text" or a "Graphic" and ID is to create a "Layer". That creates an (ID) in the HTML script. But I still cannot get the pop up to work when clicking the object. How is the best way to create an object ID that will all Deluxe pop-up to recognize it?
Can I have two separate pop-up within the same html page?
One last thing...Can I create a pop up that fly's out after 10 seconds, and within that fly out have a link that opens another pop up with important info in it using the iframe feature?
This sound like novice questions, but that's me!
A: See you can show the popup window when you hover, click or mouseout on some elements on yourpage. For example you've added an image in the FrontPage. Right click on this image and goto "Picture properties...", on the Appearance tab select 'Style...' and enter any text inthe ID field, for example 'open_popup'. Switch to 'Code' mode, you'll have the followingcode:
<p><img border="0" src="images/submenu-bg.gif" width="170" height="29" id="open_popup"></p>
So, in the Deluxe Tuner you should enter 'open_popup' object ID in the onMouseOver,onClick or onMouseOut fields.
Actually you can assign id to any object on your page manually. Switch to 'Code' mode andadd id="open_popup" for <a>, <div>, <img> ... tags.
> Can I have two separate pop-up within the same html page?
You can add as many popups as you want.
> Can I create a popup window html that fly's out after 10 secondsCreate popup window and set openAfter=10 parameter to it. You can find this parameter in'Actions' section.
> and within> that fly out have a link that opens another pop up with important info in it using the iframe feature?Use HTML content as window content. Set winContent parameter in 'Common' section.
Add link inside the html content:
<a title='Click to open sample' href='javascript:;' onclick=\"\'window1\', \'files/test.html\', \'Window2\',\'width=220,height=270,resizable,scrollbars=no,middle,right,fade-effect\', \'default\', \'iframe\')\">Click to open Popup Window with 'files/test.html'content.</a>
More info about function you can find:
function"winID", "content", "header", "param", "skin", "contentType")
Use another winID (first parameter) than you have in your data file if you don't want to close 1-st popup window or use thesame winID=win if you want to close 1-st popup.
content - will be the path to the file you want to load in your popup (files/test.html)
skin - is the name of your skin (default in my example)
contentType - set this parameter to iframe.Q: At the first time arrow images are loaded successfully in the menu, That time I click the menu and open a new page in crossframe.
After that I try to open new page from Main Menu, the arrow images are not displayed in the Sub-menus.
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.
You can use additional parameters to make menu paths absolute:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
var pathPrefix_link = "";
These parameters allow to make images and links paths absolute.
For example:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
var pathPrefix_link = "";
var menuItems = [
["text", "index.html", "icon1.gif", "icon2.gif"],
So, link path will be look so:
Images paths will be look so:
Please, try to use these parameters.
Q: Can you tell me what fields control the lines around the top level of menu items?
What fields control the lines around each sub-menu item?
I would like to test and see if the program will allow me to create a top menu that displays as follows:
Home | Proposal Reponses | Marketing Info |
As you can see I would like no borders around the top level and a tilda (vertical line) separator between each top level menu item.
For the sub-menu items I would like there to be a thin line box around the sub-menu but no lines in between each item within the sub-menu. What fields control these paramenters?
A: Home | Proposal Reponses | Marketing Info |
Yes, you can create such menu.
Please, use Individual styles.
Set these parameters:
var menuBorderWidth=1;
var menuStyles = [
["menuBorderWidth=0"], //style 0
["Home","testlink.html", , , , , , "0", , ], //style 0
["Product Info","", "default.files/icon1.gif", "default.files/icon1o.gif", , , , , , ],
To add lines between main items you can paste the separators.
Please, see the following parameters:
//------- Separators -------
var separatorWidth = "10";
var separatorHeight = "20";
var separatorAlignment = "center";
var separatorImage = "C";
var separatorVWidth = "150";
var separatorVHeight = "10%";
var separatorVImage = "image.jpg";
You can create separators using menuItems, for example:
var menuItems = [
["item 1"],
["-"], // this item is separator
["item 2"],