Recent Questions Javascript Tree Graph
Q: I developed a little test dhtml menu slide tree. For the items "Aktivitaeten Auswahl" and "Kontakt Auswahl" I have no subitems. The item line shows a little button with double arrows.
I would like to get rid of these buttons, because there are no subitems.
How can I do that?
A: You should create Individual XP Style and apply it for these items.
var tXPStyles = [
["tXPTitleBackColor=#D9DAE2","tXPTitleBackImg=data-quelle.files/xptitle2_s.gif", "tXPExpandBtn=data-quelle.files/right.gif,data-quelle.files/right.gif,data-quelle.files/right.gif,data-quelle.files/right.gif"],
Q: Could it be possible to explain to me how to create cross-frame horizontal navigation bar..
A: To initialize the cross frame menu call dm_initFrame()
function instead of standard dm_init() function within data.js file:
dm_initFrame(framesetID, mainFrameInd, subFrameInd, orientation);
framesetID - id attribute of the frameset;
mainFrameInd - index of the main frame (where the top-menu is placed), >=0;
subFrameInd - index of the subframe (where the submenus will be shown), >=0;
orientation - frame orientaion: 0 - top-to-bottom, 1 - left-to-right; 2 - bottom-to-top; 3 - right-to-left.
So you should create your menu in Deluxe Tuner, save it.
Create html file with your frame set.
Set ID for the first frameset:
<FRAMESET id=frmSet rows=220,*>
<FRAME id=frame1 src="JavaScript Tree Menu Samples_files/cross-frame-horizontal-1.htm"> //menu frame
<FRAME id=frame2 name=frame2 src="JavaScript Tree Menu Samples_files/testlink.htm"> //content frame
Then you should open your data file in any text editor and changedm_init();
for example to dm_initFrame("frmSet", 0, 1, 0);
You'll find more info here:
Q: I would like two level of tabs i.e.
Tab 1 entertainment
Opens up another level of tabs
Tab 1_2 movies with information displayed in the tab not on new page
Tab 1_3 music with information displayed in the tab not on new page
Tab 1_4 tv and so on...
A: Unfortunately, you cannot do it using Deluxe Tabs in TabMode. Youcannot use object ID to show in TabMode, only links.
You can use 2 menus:
Tab 1 entertainment //1st menu
Tab 1_2 Tab 1_3 Tab 1_4 //2nd menu
----------DIV's for second menu--------------
----------end DIV's for second menu ---------
----------end DIV for the first menu -------
Q: I am using JavaScript Tree Menu and I had a question.
When you roll your mouse over the menu items, the background color of that menu item changes (it becomes darker). Is there a way to establish a setting such that when a Menu Item is CLICKED, the color of that Menu Item STAYS darker. This will help the user know which category of the website they are currently visiting.
Please let me know. Thanks!
A: The menu has only two states normal and mouseover. We'll try to add the pressed state in the future.
You can set a pressed item using Javascript API:
function dm_ext_setPressedItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, recursion)
Sets a current pressed item.
menuInd - index of a menu on a page, >= 0.
submenuInd - index of a submenu, >= 0.
itemInd - index of an item, >=0.
recursion = true/false - highlight parent items.
But notice, to use dm_ext_setPressedItem() you should know ID of selected item and subitem.
You can't get this ID after you reload your page. That is why you should write your own code on PHP.