Recent Questions Gui For Tree Using Java
Q: I have set the 'Home' page link from the top level of the menu 'Item style' top Item, to link to my Index page, but the link doesn't work. Is there a special way to set linksfrom the main menu headings?
A: You cannot use links for the main items in the XP style.
But you can try to do the following things for your "Home" item:
["<a href='index.html' class='home'>Home</a>","", "", "", "", "Return to Index page", "", "0", "", ],
And create styles
color: #FFFFFF;}
color: #FFBEBE;}
Q: I am trying to use your Deluxe-Tabs, to use on our wwebsite, and to be honest, I am not much of a developer. So please forgive me for my naпve question(s). I have been trying to get 'Content' in to the tabbed dhtml menu build, and I cannot find how that is done.
Do you have an example with all the files (html too!) that shows a simple tabbed dhtml menu build with content for each Tab that I can look at to see how it is done.
I thought I was going to be able to generate the TABs, and point them to the HTML files I want them to use, and each time I selected a tab, that page would be displayed. That does not appear to be what is happening.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
A: You should specify any Object ID name of the DIV.
See, for each item you should assign the ID property of the contentDIV (see data file with your dhtml menu build parameters).
["Style Name","contentName", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Style Description","contentDescription", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Style Variations","contentVariations", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Empty","", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", ],
And on your html page you should create DIV's with such ID. You canset background image for these DIV's in styles.
<div id="contentName" style="height: 0%; visibility: hidden; background-image: url('img/back.jpg'); background-repeat:repeat-y;" class="tabPage">
<p align=center><img src="img/style01_title.gif" width=140 height=90 alt="Glass Style Tabs"></p>
You should paste your content here!!!!!
<div id="contentDescription" style="height: 0%; visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
<p align=center><img src="img/style01_title.gif" width=140 height=90 alt="Glass Style Tabs"></p>
You should paste your description here!!!!!
Q: I was wondering how do I add more then five items on the top javascript toggle menu rather then using a sub menu.
A: Actually you can add as many top items as you want.
Use Deluxe Tuner to add more items or add them in your data filemanually, for example:
var menuItems = [
["Item 1","whatsnew.htm", "Buttons/whatsnewup.jpg", "Buttons/whatsnewover.jpg", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Item 2","test.htm", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Item 3","index.htm", "Buttons/homeup.jpg", "Buttons/homeover.jpg", "", "_parent", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Item 4","about.htm", "Buttons/aboutup.jpg", "Buttons/aboutover.jpg", "", "_parent", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Item 5","commserv.htm", "buttons/commservup.jpg", "buttons/commservover.jpg", "", "_parent", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Item 6","conference.htm", "buttons/conferenceup.jpg", "buttons/conferenceover.jpg", "", "_parent", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Item 7","lodges.htm", "buttons/districtsup.jpg", "", "", "_parent", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: I have set it to:
var tlevelDX=0;
It has helped somewhat but there still is a gap between the left side and the image icon. Is there any other parameter I can alter to push it more to the left?
A: You can try also to set the following parameters:
var texpandBtn=["","",""];
var texpandBtnW=0;
var texpandBtnH=0;