Recent Questions Flash Treeview Example
Q: I have used the menu features many times and am used to having the code to be inserted into the html page provided when the project is saved.
I have successfully created my first popup window (not the popup menu) which I want to use for text information to open when a text is clicked.
The preview has this working fine but when I saved the project there was no code created to install on the site and I cannot find directions within the program or at your website.
Please advise on how to install a created javascript popup window to an XHTML page linked to text.
A: For example you want to open your popup window when you click the link on your page.
You should do the following:
1) Open your page (for example index.html page) in any text editor.
Add link in the place where you want to have it and specify the ID (for example: win1) for it, for example:
<a href="javascript:;" id="win1">Click Here to see a window</a>
2) Create a popup window in Deluxe Tuner. Add your content.
You can use HTML content, Iframe (url) or any object on your page as popup windows content - Object ID.
For example select HTML content (winContent parameter in the 'Common' section) and add the content in HTML Content window, for example:
<div style="text-align:center;"><b>Sample content</b></div>
This is a simple HTML code for content. Here you may also set link to content page or ID of some element.
3) In the 'Actions' section specify the id of your link (win1) for the onClick event.
See the attached screen.gif.
4) Select the template you want to use.
5) Export your popup window to HTML page. File -> Export -> To HTML. Save it in any testfolder.
So, you'll have:
6) Open the generated deluxe-popup-window.html file in any text editor.
Copy all code for Popup window and paste it in the beginning of the <body> tag:
<!-- Deluxe Popup Window -->
<noscript><a href="">menu drop down by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-popup-window.files/dpopupwindow.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-popup-window.js"></script>
<!-- (c) 2009, -->
7) Copy 'deluxe-popup-window.files/' folder and deluxe-popup-window.js file into the samefolder with your index.html (root folder of your website).
Q: I have built a menu with deluxe menu and I have put everything in the same map but the page doesn't display the drop down menu it says there is an error. Could you look what I do wrong?
A: It is not correctly to write local paths on your website. They won'twork:
<script type="text/javascript" src="file:///C:/Test%20website%202008/x5/data.js"></script></td>
You should upload your data.js file in the same folder with yourdmenu.js file and write:
<script type="text/javascript" src="data.files/data.js"></script></td>
Q: I am currently having a look at the use of your drop down menu and was wondering if there was an option to make all of the top menu links the same size?
At current It looks like it is on a percentage increase related to the amount of text, can I change this to a fixed value no matter the text amount?
A: You can use Individual Item Style.
Use that parameter:
var itemWidth=100px
Width of an item (px, % or other units).
For example:
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=150"], // style 0
var menuItems = [
["Home", "index.html", "myicon1.gif", "myicon2.gif", "Home Page Tip", "_self", "0"], // assign style 0
["About", "about.html", "myicon3.gif", "myicon4.gif", "About Us Tip", "_self", "0"], // assign style 0
Q: We have a menu in its own dedicated table row on our website and the table row contains a background image. We want to know if we can make the background on your menu transparent so that you can see our table cell background through the menu.
We have tried using your option to put our image as your menu’s background, but then it repeats for all of the drop downs which we do not want.
We simply want the row of options to be transparent and all of the drop downs to be white.
Is this possible with your system and, if so, how would we go about making this work?
A: You can try to use these parameters:
var menuBackColor="transparent";
var itemBackColor=["transparent","#1665CB"];
Or, you can use Individual Item Styles and set images only for the main items.
Try that.